
MA's World Headquarters

Just wanted to share this picture with everyone - Market America's newly expanded World Headquarters in Greensboro, NC.

I hope you are as proud of it as we are...


Ma Partner Stores

Over the past couple of weeks, we've added a large number of partner stores and wanted to make you aware of a few new ones that you may have missed. Enjoy!

Oakley is a leading manufacturer of eyewear. They make everything from sunglasses to eyeglasses, not to mention clothing and electronics for both men and women.

Rampage carries a complete line of junior apparel. They carry everything from chic tops and bottoms to the latest suits for work, along with swimwear. Look hot and dress even hotter!

Having the right tools is absolutely necessary if you want to perform at the top of your game. Start with the right clothing! Under Armour is a leading manufacturer of sports apparel, footwear, accessories and more for men, women and children and is available now in the Shop Partners tab!

Out with the old and in with the new. Try visiting Design Within Reach, a leading designer of home decor products. From furniture and lighting to tables and chairs along with accent rugs and throw pillows, Design Within Reach (or DWR) puts design within reach with affordable pricing.

7 for All Mankind offers the hottest look in fashion for men, women, and kids. Recently, they just put their latest catalog online. Be the first on your block to make 7 yours!

Tastebook is a new and innovative site offering the latest in creative cookbook creations! Rather than sift through page after page of recipes you never plan on cooking, create something special! Featuring professional recipes mixed with a sprinkling of your own favorite recipes, create a cookbook that you can call your own!

Everyone wants to look and feel sexy! Victoria's Secret offers intimates & apparel in addition to health and beauty supplies. They carry everything from bras, panties, tops, jeans, shoes, swimwear and sleepwear to help you bring sexy back!

Looking to be the next Picasso or Renoir? Choose Mister Art, a leading supplier of discount art supplies, art materials and craft supplies for all of your art supply needs! The next time your bare walls are calling for a masterpiece, let Mister Art help you out!


A Typical Morning in the Life of a Busy, Loving Dog Owner

As we eagerly await the arrival of our new pet products, I was thinking about my typical day with my four-year old border collie, Sebastian, and how I incorporate PetHealth into my busy lifestyle.

7:00 a.m. - My annoying alarm goes off. (It would be 6:00 if I was motivated to workout, but that's another blog.) Sebastian begins licking me in face - he is ready to go out.

7:05 a.m. - Walk Sebastian. Chase feral cats. Bark at squirrels. Attempt to play with the neighbor's dogs. Do business.

7:15 a.m. - Coffee Time!!! I attempt to drink my coffee while Sebastian insists it is time to play ball. Between sips, he throws the ball at my face, refusing to allow me to drink my coffee in peace.

7:20 a.m. - Feed Sebastian a cup of Wellness SuperMix 5 Dry Dog Food with a half a scoop of PetHealth OPC Formula.

7:21 a.m. - Sebastian begins to chow down. Gobbling up every bite and simultaneously wagging his tail.

7:22 a.m. - Sebastian has finished eating and has proceeded to drown himself in his water bowl, sloshing water, every which way.

7:30 a.m. - Time to shower before work.

7:31 a.m. - Sebastian's head nudges the curtain back from the shower - he likes to lick and bark at the water splashes against the tub.

7:45 a.m. - While I get dressed, Sebastian dives underneath the coffee table so that I can't put him in his crate.

7:55 a.m. - I'm on my hands and knees trying to coax him out from under the coffee table.

8:00 a.m. - Sebastian has decided that he is not going to budge, not for ice cubes, not even for a treat. This has become a game; I think if he could laugh, he would.

8:05 a.m. - Victory is mine! With a little trickery and his leash in my hands, he comes out from under the coffee table to go for our final walk before I leave.

8:10 a.m. - Sad eyes :( - He does not want me to leave!

If many of you are like me, this is a typical morning. Unfortunately, I can't spend every waking hour with Sebastian like I want. One thing I won't sacrifice however, is his health. What's great is how easy it is to incorporate PetHealth into my busy mornings. I don't forget my OPC-3 in the morning, and I refuse to let a morning go by where Sebastian doesn't have his. Dogs, just like us, are exposed to free radicals everyday. The antioxidants in PetHealth OPC are just what they need to provide them with the free-radical defense they need. The added glucosamine is a great plus, too, because it promotes joint and cartilage support.

You'll notice I don't feed my baby boy the commercial dog food that you can pick up at your local pet mega mart. I won't eat a diet that is packed with "Animal By-Products" and bad carbohydrates, so I won't feed them to Sebastian either. Wellness Dry Dog Food is made with human-grade protein sources (not animal by-products), whole grains like oatmeal, barley and brown rice, carrots, apples, spinach, blueberries, sweet potatoes and flax seeds. And, guess what? one of our Partner Stores, dog.com, sells Wellness Dog Food! Now I can make sure he eats great, and I don't have to drive all the way to the pet store, it's right here on the Portal!

Start your pets day off right with PetHealth OPC Formula. Coming Soon... PetHealth Multi-Vitamin Formulas for Cats and Dogs.

Transitions Corporate Study - Detox Diet

Yesterday 40+ Market America employees started on the detox diet as part of the Transitions Corporate Study, including myself. I was looking in the recipe section of transitionslifestyle.com and found 5 recipes right away that were perfect for detox. After sending them out to my classmates I decided that I would make one of them for dinner. Last night, after a day of broccoli and grape tomatoes, I added in a new and exciting vegetable - spaghetti squash. I have included the recipe below for all of you that would like to have a detox friendly side dish.

Simple Baked Spaghetti Squash with Tomato Sauce

1 (3 lb) Spaghetti Squash
1 can of plain tomato sauce
Italian seasoning blend

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2) Cut squash in half lengthwise and discard seeds. 3) Place squash halves, cut side down in a 13 x 9 baking dish. 4) Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until squash is tender when pierced with a fork. 5) Remove squash from dish and let cool. 6) Scrape the inside of the squash with a fork to remove the spaghetti-like strands. 7) In a separate bowl combine Italian seasoning with tomato sauce, heat until warm and add to spaghetti squash mixture. 8) Mix well and serve hot.

It will taste even better if you use homemade meatless tomato sauce with peppers, onions, and garlic in place of canned varieties. Enjoy!


Help For Blemishes

For years I've used a cocktail of different remedies for the occasional blemish. Given my level of desperation, I may attack the zit physically - while sitting Indian-style in my bathroom sink (yes this looks crazy to the onlooker). I've tried most all drugstore blemish remedies, toothpaste, and baking soda. I've also used fatback (as my grandmother recommended) when I was young and absolutely desperate! Can you believe that? I'm from the South and my grandparents had a remedy for any ailment without having the leave the comfort of your kitchen!

There's a better and more effective way!

Now for the occasional breakout I use Timeless Prescription Anti-Blemish Lotion. With a combination of Calamine and Salicylic Acid, this spot treatment quickly heals and dries pimples and whiteheads. This product is great for teenagers and men! The pink calamine powder settles at the bottom of the bottle. The Salicylic acid, alcohol and camphor will rise to the top. You use a Q-tip to apply and leave on overnight. When I use the product, I prefer to not be seen wearing it - it dries pink! I apply it at night, and then turn the lights off of course (this is not an attractive beauty regimen) and you'll be amazed at the results. It works!

I hope all is well with you guys. Keep the feedback and comments coming- I value you.


MA Events coming up!

Our Events Department just finished up a Regional Planning Committee conference call and the whole team is positively abuzz over our upcoming regional conventions. The presentations are sure to be powerful; bring a guest because it’s going to be awesome!

In particular, Dennis and Kevin will be unveiling a new format that we are implementing at ALL of the Spring Regionals. Based on the wildly popular Breakout Training at Leadership School 2008, we have asked your local leaders to participate in presentations such as Goals, Retailing, Prospecting and Sponsoring, Time Management, How to Implement the 90 Day Fast Track and Follow Up / ABC Pattern. This is going to be an opportunity to hear from people in your hometown about how they are building their business and making it work for them!

Are you planning on attending a Regional? If so, which? And who's your favorite speaker / what's your favorite topic?

Research news

Just wanted to share this link to some exciting Pycnogenol(R) research results soon to be published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. Read on for more:

Pycnogenol research findings



Overheard this little gem of a quote today, for use in an upcoming feature article about the life and times of our own Loren Ridinger:

"Since I met her, I discovered a really strong woman who never forgot about priorities such as family, friends, love... and a passion for both life AND business!"

Who spoke this truism, you ask?

None other than Paulina Rubio!

Just thought you guys would enjoy the sneak peek & a quote that was simply too great to pass up.

Paulina, kudos. We couldn't have said it any better ourselves...


Ma Partner Stores - Loren's Fashion Cents

Sometimes fashion surprises us. Check out Loren's Fashion Cents Blog to learn about a surprise announcement! This is one "secret" that you definitely don't want to miss!

Ma Partner Stores - Ma Travel

Recently, we entered into a contract with Travelocity. Now you can book all of your travel needs from hotels, flights, transportation, and vacations instantly from your web portal! In addition, you can also find exclusive last minute deals to exotic locations or scoop up that last available seat to Convention or Leadership school all while earning IBV in the process.

To access Ma Travel deals, visit your web portal and click the Ma Travel tab.


Ma Partner Stores - Genetic Denim

At Leadership School, we announced a partnership with one of the leading custom jeans manufacturers. Rather than go through the hassle of trying on pair after pair of jeans, get the right pair from the start. Recently featured in national publication, Glamour magazine, Genetic Denim jeans provides you with a tight and sexy fitting jean! Worn by such celebrities as Jessica Biel, Sienna Miller, Ashlee Simpson, Fergie and Jennifer Lopez, Genetic Denim jeans are now available on your Market America web portal at a significantly reduced price (IBV included)!

Locate Genetic Denim by entering 'genetic denim' in your Market America search box!

Ma Partner Stores - Hot Deals

Want to find the latest deals from your Market America Partner Stores? Simply visit the Hot Deals tab to view all current Hot Deals. Purchase newly featured products from current Partner Stores or view all current deals from your favorite stores. At the same time, earn IBV and get unbelievable pricing!

To access Hot Deals, visit your web portal and click the Hot Deals tab.

New Research on Lutein and Zeaxanthin for Vision Health!

A study recently published in Optometry and Vision Science examined the effects of lutein and zeaxanthin in people with healthy vision. The purpose of the study was to supplement forty subjects with lutein and zeaxanthin for 6 months and determine if there was any effect in the subjects' response to glare. Various measurements were used and the researchers concluded visual performance after exposure to glare is improved with supplementation of lutein and zeaxanthin. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effects of carotenoids for vision health in patients with age-related macular degeneration, but this report notes these ingredients may also benefit those with healthy vision!

Stringham JM, Hammond BR. Macular pigment and visual performance under glare conditions. Optom Vis Sci. 2008 Feb;85(2):82-8.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18296924?ordinalpos= 5&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum


Motives Custom Blend Foundation - What's your formula?

Hi Motives! I hope you are all doing well. As the new Product Manager of Motives and Personal Care, I've had a really unique opportunity to experiment with the product firsthand from both a customer perspective and from a consultant perspective.

In the quest for learning more about our Motives product and how I can help continue to make them better, I've had some really awesome experiences, one of which I'd like to share with you.

The Motives Department is in the process of updating the Motives Manual! Yeah! I had taken it home over the weekend to give it an editorial review - and in doing so, I learned how to make Custom Blend Foundation! I couldn't wait to get to work on Monday, get the bottles of Custom Blend and start my "science experiment" (I was called Science Girl in high school)... I love that stuff! Monday when I arrived to the office, I asked Jennifer Blackmon (our Assistant of Sales, Field Development and Training) for some syringes (she's also a Motives Certified Trainer and Aesthetician - a wealth of knowledge).

That night, I pulled out my Motives Manual (for step-by-step instructions), the Custom Blend bottles (which intrigued my two year old daughter - thus postponing my experiment until her bedtime) and my syringes. At 10:30 pm, I had my very first Custom Blend formula - and yes, it matched my skin tone perfectly! I also created a facial highlighter and concealer along the way. I had so much fun, only imagine if this was with girlfriends in a group setting. This is a fantastic product and concept - which I'm going to strive to continuously improve for you all!! Your thoughts on Custom Blend Foundation? Talk to you soon- Krystal

PS - First time users - use a pencil on your formula sheets...


Fight Cholesterol by Watching What You Eat

High cholesterol is often associated with heart disease in the United States. A diet that is high in saturated fat and cholesterol can increase your cholesterol levels. Reducing the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet can help lower your cholesterol. Foods that are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids can assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are high in monounsaturated fats, which is a good fat. They are also very high in fiber and phytosterols that may have cardio-protective effects. Another food to consider would be oatmeal, which is very high in soluble fiber. The high amounts of fiber not only give you a feeling of satiety, but it may reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Omega-3 fatty acids are by far of the best of the good fats. They can be found in fatty fish, such as tuna, halibut, and especially salmon. Our fast-paced lifestyles do not always allow us to eat like we should or want to.

Market America's Heart Health Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E provides three grams of EPA and DHA daily. Three grams of EPA and DHA have been proven and FDA supported to clinically promote cardiovascular health and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Market America's NutriClean Advanced Fiber Powder provides nine grams of fiber in each serving. Most Americans do not meet the necessary daily fiber intake. NutriClean fiber can help support a healthy fiber intake. It also supports normal bowel movement, healthy cholesterol, and normal blood glucose levels.

With the combination of the right diet, Omega III Fish Oil, and Nutriclean Fiber Powder, you can knock out high cholesterol before it begins!


Do you want the best lawn on the block this summer?

Well, it's that time of year again. Spring and summer are just around the corner. Many of you are probably getting ready to beautify your lawns, laying down grass seed, aerating the soil and laying down fertilizer. Before you put all of those toxic chemicals down on your lawn, pick up some GlobalCare Lawn Power. Lawn Power is a special blend of enzymes, nitrogen and kelp, which are all essential to promoting grass growth. Lawn Power is ideal for all soil types, it provides vital nutrients and trace elements for grass root development, and it aerates and oxygenates the soil.

If you are planting seeds for a floral or vegetable garden, order a bottle of GlobalCare Plant Power. Plant Power is a soil conditioner for indoor and outdoor plants that will dramatically increase plant growth. It too is made of a special blend of enzymes, nitrogen, minerals and organic stabilizers, all of which aerate and oxygenate the soil and add nutrients that penetrate deep into the root system.

I want to share with you some of the pictures that have been sent in from people who have used Lawn Power or Plant Power.

This one is from Charmaine Wolfgram:

These are from Marda Arkebauer:

These are from Greta and Vincent Huygen:

If you have any additional pictures or would like to share your story, please post them, let's spread the word.

How clean is your water?

Hi Everyone,

We came across this article today from the Associated Press.

"AP probe finds drugs in drinking water"


Yet again, more and more contaminants are found in our water. It's great to know that the PureH2O Water Filters, filter out many of the contaminants that keep showing up in our water. PureH2O, because it's your... body... food... family... water!


Ma Partner Stores

Although Leadership School recently came to a close, it did not stop the flood of e-mails to the Partner Store program. We've been diligently working on reviewing the thousands and thousands of suggestions that you've sent in and really appreciate the overwhelming response from everyone. With such an abundance of new suggestions, we are proud to announce that this past week, we added a number of exciting new stores that we are certain you'll love!

The first is an American upscale department store, Saks Fifth Avenue. The place to go when buying designer apparel, handbags, and shoes, Saks carries an extensive line of women's, men's and children's products and features one-stop shopping for the entire family!

With Summer fast approaching, shed those winter clothes and slip into something more comfortable. Urban Outfitters offers a mixture of vintage and retro clothing in addition to contemporary styles for both men and women and even carries home furnishings to help bring back that lovin' feelin' to your pad.

Bloomingdales is a department store on par with such stores you're already familiar with (Saks Fifth Avenue). When shopping for men's, women's and children's classic, contemporary and trendy designer clothing, why go anywhere else when you can look fashionable and earn IBV at the same time?

The final addition to our ever-growing partner Partner Store program area is Circuit City, an electronics giant! Offering everything from HDTV's, DVD players, MP3 devices, digital cameras, music, video games and movies, Circuit City is the place to go for the latest in electronics at unbeatable prices.

Anyone with partner store suggestions should e-mail us at partners@marketamerica.com

Keep the ideas and suggestions coming and check back again next week for more exciting news concerning your Market America partner store program!

Market America enhances site search capabilities using Google Search

Here's a recent article that appeared on internetretailer.com about the Google Search Appliance that Market America is implementing to enhance search capabilities on marketamerica.com. This is an exciting initiative that will reap huge benefits!



Transitions and Executive Director Life

Well I have to tell you I'm coming off an unbelievable high from this past weekend. We just did our first newly formatted Transitions Certification Training and WOW! We had over 300 in attendance and an all-star cast of trainers like Kristie Leigh, Nancy Miller-Ihli and Vicki Whited - with Dennis Franks as a special guest. The emails have been flooding in with comments like this one: "WOW! Is the simple comment for the Transitions training this past weekend! I have come to expect nothing less than spectacular for MA events and the Annapolis training presented by highly credentialed professionals was no exception. It was stellar!!"

The certification was in Annapolis Maryland and the schedule was jammed packed; we started Friday evening at 6:00PM, had a full 8 hours of training on Saturday, a networking social Saturday night and started all over again on a Sunday that didn't end until 4:00PM. Between talking and answering questions of those attending the training and the adrenaline high, the only way I was able to keep up that kind of pace and energy level is by following the Transitions Lifestyle. With a busy schedule like that, the Transitions bars are such a big help with maintaining my blood sugar levels so my brain continued to function at full capacity.

Honestly I just took everything in on Monday - reviewed materials and answered emails, and caught up on my rest. But today I was back on track, starting bright and early at 9:00AM this morning. LOL!!! I know, I know - 9:00AM to some of you is not bright and early; the day is half over. Cut me some slack! We put in double time this past weekend. Even with the late start, I seemed to be very productive today. Started with my normal 3 scoops of Complete Greens, a shot of Isotonix B-complex, 16 ounces of water, 2 Immune and watched a little of the Today Show. Thirty minutes later, I took my Transitions Thyroid Support and Prevaderm, and then proceeded to get ready for the gym. I usually check my emails before the gym in the morning, but I was eager to work out since I missed 4 days last week because of the certification.

So I got ready and had breakfast: a 4 oz. egg white omelet with asparagus, two slices of turkey bacon, fresh sliced tomatoes and finished it up with a Transitions Chocolate Shake. I don't use milk to make my shake - don't like it - but I do use a lot of ice, a little water and two table spoons of instant coffee- just like a Frappacino without the guilt.

Headed off to the gym with my iPod; today was just a cardio and core day. Did 30 minutes on the Cybex Arch trainer with resistance at 90 and an incline of 5 - love that machine! It works the whole body, but you can get great shape for your glute and hamstrings. I listen to my iPod when I work out and last week I downloaded all the audios from Leadership, so today I listened to KB's Just Push Play. KB is great, but there is nothing like Joan Jett's "Bad Reputation" to get you started. Finished my cardio on the treadmill - speed at 2.5 with an incline of 5 for 30 minutes - and after that jumped over to the Medx Torso machine: 3 sets of 25 on each side, and then did my stretching on the Precor stretching trainer. Today was totally machine dependent, but tomorrow will be a different day. Wednesday will be a "legs day" and I will do all functional using my body weight with a little free weights and a lot of reps. A good legs workout for me usually means about two hours at the gym, because I always finish with walking on the treadmill. After my workout today, I took two of the HeartHealth Omega 3s, one cap of Resveratrol and drank 20 oz of water. Tomorrow will definitely be a Torch day.

On the ride home from the gym I started returning calls - first to Becky Robinson; she is a National Supervising Coordinator in our group who also attended the training this past weekend and had some questions about it. Then Big Al - he has this new guy Toby who is also in our group and was at the certification training. Toby has a friend who has an "in" at a chain of gyms, so we are going to present the whole Transitions program to them. This could be way huge for Toby right out of the gate!

Once I hit home, I took two Transitions Fat Conversions, continued with emails and called Libby Tilton. Libby is a Certified Coach who I will be working with in Texas; she has sixteen Distributors in her group who will be focusing on Transitions with us for the next 90 days. They are all getting ready for my arrival next week. I had to go over all of their 90-day goal statement/action plans and then tomorrow Libby and I are going to discuss, measure and adjust. Next week will be a busy week with Libby in Texas: we have a Transitions Coring one night, Transitions appointments throughout the each day, Transitions Business Plan at night and, on the last day, a Transitions basic building training with her personal group.

Hungry- but had to read through the action plans, so I ate a Transitions Peanut Bar, a handful of almonds with another Thyroid support and 20 oz of water. There is so much going on - we have our Baltimore Local Seminar this Saturday, getting Transitions materials ready for Regions 2 and 6, making a audio for Transitions that expands on what Dennis and I were talking about on stage at Leadership ("Talking in Themes") and then Certified Coaches are blowing the roof off Transitions!

In the midst of things, I realized that Billy failed to maintain the toilet paper supply. Ugh! Going out to buy toilet paper is not one of my favorite things to do nor is it very productive. Drugstore.com saves me from the pain of ordinary shopping needs, but what I like most about Drugstore.com (besides IBV) is the FREE shipping! So I just ordered everything: toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, fabric softener, deodorant and more. Billy: pay attention to the toilet paper...

Time for some more Complete Greens, B-complex and 24 oz. of plain Ultimate Aloe - just a little pick-me-up - with some more almonds, an apple and a few stalks of celery. I wanted to grab things that were quick and easy so that I could keep working. Had a few chats via email with Certified Coaches Kim Doyle and Raquel Detullio and wrapped the finals on an article that you all will see in the near future.

Around 6:00PM, Buddie (my 14-year-old Dalmatian) was telling me it was time for dinner and I agreed. Buddie's dinner was a scoop of his prescription dog food with 1 scoop of Pet Health, 1 scoop of Complete Greens and some grilled celery to mix in two Glucosatrin. Yes, that's right; he follows the Transitions Lifestyle too! Dinner for me was yummy - I made roasted chicken breast seasoned with lemon pepper and fresh garlic. Drizzled olive oil, cracked black pepper and dried Italian season on fresh broccoli, asparagus (love it), green beans, half sliced green bell pepper and red onion and then grilled them. Made some gluten-free pasta and, while the chicken was roasting, I put 3 tomatoes in with it. Once it was done I mixed a little olive oil, fresh garlic, basil and the tomatoes with the pasta. Dinner was way good.

I finished up my night with just a few emails, a peach for a snack and some more Ultimate Aloe. Right before I go to bed: 2 more HearthHealth Omegas and 3 Transitions Anti-Stress. The Anti-Stress really helps me sleep through the night. As I go through writing in my Transitions Journal I realized that I really should have eaten more today, but what I did eat was quality food so tomorrow I will pay better attention. I love Transitions and I love being an Executive Director.

Yours in Health,
Lydia Martinez


Is your household cleaning a Snap?

This year at Leadership School, I was very excited to share with you the variety of uses of our amazing Snap products. To my surprise, I found out that many of you aren't using Snap or weren't familiar with it all. You are cleaning your houses, right??? If you aren't using Snap to clean your home - you're throwing your money down the toilet.

All Snap products are made of vegetable-based ingredients, are readily biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Snap products are based on cosmetic chemistry which means that they are pharmaceutical and personal care grade - so the products that you use to clean your home are just as safe as what you use to clean your hair and body. Snap products are ultra concentrated, so you get more uses out of one bottle and the best bang for your buck.

Let's go over how much you can save by using Snap.

Snap Dishwashing Liquid does up to 350 sink-full's of dishes - that's 22% more than the leading 25 oz. bottle and twice the cleaning power.

Snap Laundry Detergent does up to 80 loads of laundry - that's 25% more than the leading 100 oz. bottle.

Snap Fabric Softener does up to 1000 loads of laundry - that's almost 20 boxes of the leading dryer sheets. Snap Fabric Softener can also be used to freshen up your carpet, bed linens and pet bedding - try that with a dryer sheet!

Snap Automatic Dishwashing Crystals does up to 120 loads of dishes - that's almost 20% more than the leading box of dish detergent. You can also use the Dishwashing Crystals to whiten your whites - just add one teaspoon to a load of your dirtiest white clothes.

Snap All-Purpose Natural Concentrate has a variety of uses; as a window cleaner - one bottle replaces over 1000 bottles of the leading glass cleaner. As a general all-purpose cleaner - three capfuls of Snap All-Purpose Natural Concentrate equals one bottle of the leading all-purpose cleaner.

Snap Heavy-Duty Concentrate replaces up to 16 bottles of the leading spot and stain remover. The Heavy-Duty Concentrate is an industrial-strength cleaner with a variety of home and commercial uses.

Snap Disinfectant Cleaner can be used to make any of your favorite Snap cleaners anti-bacterial - simply add one capful to a diluted solution of any Snap product. It can also be used on it's own as a disinfectant cleaner - three capfuls of Snap Disinfectant Cleaner equals one bottle of the leading disinfectant cleaner.

Embracing Market America's philosophy of being a product of the product, many of us around the office use the Snap line of cleaning products. I love Snap, not only because it's economical and works great - but it gives me peace-of-mind, knowing that they are biodegradable and safe to use. I am very environmentally conscious, so using something that is environmentally friendly and just as powerful as harsh chemicals gets me very excited. If you aren't using Snap - try it out, buy a Snap Pak (code 6223); you'll be glad you made your household cleaning a Snap!


Isotonix Products

When I first began working for Market America three months ago, I came to MA already knowing quite a bit about alternative medicine.

A little history I would like to share. In 1978, my Father bought a health food business from a struggling friend. I worked in the family business all the way through college, which inspired me to pursue a degree in Nutrition.

When I came to Market America, I had never heard of the word Isotonix. The first thing I remembered asking, what is that anyways? So I read all I could find on it to educate myself. As I was reading about it and hearing everyone talk about it, I decided to try it. I must say that I was highly impressed! The convenience of just mixing a powder with water is just so much easier than having to take anywhere from 3-6 capsules/tablets a day. The benefit of a liquid over a capsule is that it completely bypasses the digestive system and is almost immediately absorbed into the body. This is why many people who take the Isotonix OPC-3 notice how well it works just by their increased energy. I find myself telling my friends and family about Isotonix and how well it works.

I would recommend all of the Isotonix products because of the awesome absorption and what you are getting for you money. You are not only benefiting your body by obtaining maximum absorption of the Isotonix products, but you are rising to the top by building your financial stability.

Get your Isotonix products today!

Market America Featured in Miami Herald

Market America was featured in two articles that appeared in the print and online edition of this morning's Miami Herald. First, Market America's expansion into the Latin market in the United States and Latin America was featured here: Direct Sales Company Focuses on Hispanics

Then there was a separate article about the launch of Market America's Entertainment portal here: Market America enters entertainment

The article about expansion into the Latin market outlines why Market America, other Direct Sales companies and the Direct Sales Association believe reaching out to the Hispanic community is so important. The Entertainment Portal brief outlines what Distributors, customers and fans of top artists can expect from the launch.