
Do you want the best lawn on the block this summer?

Well, it's that time of year again. Spring and summer are just around the corner. Many of you are probably getting ready to beautify your lawns, laying down grass seed, aerating the soil and laying down fertilizer. Before you put all of those toxic chemicals down on your lawn, pick up some GlobalCare Lawn Power. Lawn Power is a special blend of enzymes, nitrogen and kelp, which are all essential to promoting grass growth. Lawn Power is ideal for all soil types, it provides vital nutrients and trace elements for grass root development, and it aerates and oxygenates the soil.

If you are planting seeds for a floral or vegetable garden, order a bottle of GlobalCare Plant Power. Plant Power is a soil conditioner for indoor and outdoor plants that will dramatically increase plant growth. It too is made of a special blend of enzymes, nitrogen, minerals and organic stabilizers, all of which aerate and oxygenate the soil and add nutrients that penetrate deep into the root system.

I want to share with you some of the pictures that have been sent in from people who have used Lawn Power or Plant Power.

This one is from Charmaine Wolfgram:

These are from Marda Arkebauer:

These are from Greta and Vincent Huygen:

If you have any additional pictures or would like to share your story, please post them, let's spread the word.


Anonymous said...

Last year my partner planted pumpkins in the spring. Regardless of the odd timing and with the help of Lawn Power, in November I was still picking pumpkins off of the vine. It is an amazing product!

Dustin C Mitchell
St. Louis, MO

Anonymous said...

Thank you for helping me to 'think spring.' We are still buried under much snow up here in VT - feels like we will be until July! The pictures helped me feel a little spring-y even if it is cold (10 degrees) and icy outside!

Anonymous said...

This is great. Thanks for showing this. What would also be great is a blog discussing the new print center & exactly how distributors use it to have cards customized. I haven't been able to find any information on the steps of how to do this

Anonymous said...

Even with the snow that you have in Vermont it's still a great time to start preparing for spring.

If you are planting bare root perennials, you can plant them as soon as the ground can be worked, meaning the soil is not frozen and not too wet and muddy. This allows the plant to wake up naturally with the season. Frost and cold weather will not hurt the dormant plant, assuming it is hardy for your zone.

Plant Power is an amazing product. The enzymes speed up the process of breaking down vital nutrients which can then be absorbed by the plant.

Landscapeusa.com is one of our partner stores. They sell several different kinds of fertilizer that you can mix into the soil while you are preparing your beds. I recommend an organic fertilizer like bat guano. Just remember to check your portal first before you go out and buy from other stores.

Just from checking today we have the following partner stores for you to choose from.

Gardener's Supply Company
Home Depot
Landscape USA
Michigan Bulb
Plow & Hearth
Parks Seed
Spring Hill Nurseries
Wayside Gardens

Remember that shopping on your web portal maximizes the IBV compensation plan, and your people do what you do. So if you shop on your portal it will be duplicated and we can all earn more money!

Dustin C Mitchell
St. Louis, MO

Charlotte Mason said...

I just wanted to add that the names on the pictures "switched" - I am so proud of my dad, Vincent who is in the picture with his "forest" of beans. We were the blessed recipients of his vegetables and they could not compare to what you could find in the stores or markets. The plant power truly works on his gardens!!!

Eddie Riddle said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely post a blog about the PrintCenter. We are in the process of creating help screens to guide you through the process.

Anonymous said...

Wow, who would have thought to buy gardening supplies ONLINE!
That is an excellent point that Dustin brought up.

The truth of the matter is that it is hard to get the default setting of our brains to be "online shopping", but it honestly doesn't matter, big or small, you can order ANYthing online and have it conveniently delivered to your doorstep.

Jennie Fuentes
St. Louis, MO

Anonymous said...

Thank you for agreeing with me Jennie. I somehow knew that you would agree. ;oP You should have Darwin use Plant Power in your garden this year. Then again...maybe not. People really would point at the pumpkins wanting to know how they got that big.

Dustin C Mitchell
Humble Team St. Louis Servant