
Isotonix Products

When I first began working for Market America three months ago, I came to MA already knowing quite a bit about alternative medicine.

A little history I would like to share. In 1978, my Father bought a health food business from a struggling friend. I worked in the family business all the way through college, which inspired me to pursue a degree in Nutrition.

When I came to Market America, I had never heard of the word Isotonix. The first thing I remembered asking, what is that anyways? So I read all I could find on it to educate myself. As I was reading about it and hearing everyone talk about it, I decided to try it. I must say that I was highly impressed! The convenience of just mixing a powder with water is just so much easier than having to take anywhere from 3-6 capsules/tablets a day. The benefit of a liquid over a capsule is that it completely bypasses the digestive system and is almost immediately absorbed into the body. This is why many people who take the Isotonix OPC-3 notice how well it works just by their increased energy. I find myself telling my friends and family about Isotonix and how well it works.

I would recommend all of the Isotonix products because of the awesome absorption and what you are getting for you money. You are not only benefiting your body by obtaining maximum absorption of the Isotonix products, but you are rising to the top by building your financial stability.

Get your Isotonix products today!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. I had some background in nutrition. My parents and I take multi-vitamin,calcium regularly. But those big pills really made them feel uncomfortable. So when I first heard about Isotonix, I was so excited. That is exactly what I am looking for. No difficulty in digestion, high absorption rate. And the concept " drink your vitamins" is so great. Thanks, Market America to bring such wonderful products to our life.

Anonymous said...


I can't even tell you the number of times I have spent standing in the aisle reading labels, studying ingredients, and comparing prices on nutritional supplements only to come back to the store the next month and start the whole process again!

Finally! A decision maker for label readers everywhere. If you have ever stood in the aisle and gone back and forth over which supplement would be most beneficial-Isotonix is quite possibly the answer.

The Isotonic Delivery System is pretty incredible-What could be more ingenious than implementing the science our bodies use to absorb nutrients!

Jennie Fuentes
St. Louis, MO

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

My grandmother has Osteoartritis (not Osteoporosis) and she had surgery last month to replace her knee cap.

She's really hurting and I was wondering if I could get some recommendations as to which Market America Products she can take besides Isotonix OPC-3 to quicken her healing and aid recovery.

Is Glucosatrin suitable?

Please advise or email me at tammyboey@gmail.com and I would really appreciate it!

Thank you!

Paul Z said...

Note: Blog admin here, please respond to Tammy's request directly to her Email if you'd like to help her out.


Anonymous said...

I have lots of connections in Norway and Denmark. They would like to become Preferred Customers and order products. However, they cannot register because they do not live in the US or Canada. How do they register and how do the products get shipped to them directly.