
Still The One

Elizabeth Weber pumps up the crowd and leaves them in stitches with her award-winning recruiting and prospecting techniques.


Anonymous said...

I need more info!
Talk to me Maverick....what is going on down there?

AC said...

Goose...this is Maverick.

Elizabeth's keys to success:

It's a numbers game; keep your funnel full.

But how do you do that?

Ask probing questions - find their pain!

Become a friend-making machine.

Don't go out specifically to prospect; prospect whenever you're out.

Finally, Keep it simple, sweetie. Don't freak people out: just use simple techniques. Make eye contact; smile; say hello! Don't overcomplicate a very natural and easy process.

Finally, remember that they've got to EARN YOUR TIME.

As Buckman often says, "don't invest in tire kickers. They gotta EARN the right to get your time!"

(my apologies for these quick and dirty notes; there's really no substitute for being here. When in doubt, find one of Elizabeth's audio downloads on unfranchisetraining.com. She's a master at this stuff; the rest of us are just trying to keep up...)

pkoury said...

she was awesome!! Sitting here right now. If you aren't here you are missing the best convention yet!!!!

Laura, a proud Market America Inc Distributor said...

J.R. is a compelling genius.

Lauren is gorgeous, dedicated, and relentless in her desires to make MA better for all of us.


Elizabeth Weber is a human dynamo! She's bright, witty, powerful, endearing, stunning, and innovative. I loved listening to her presentation - from the crowd response, so did 29,999 others in the room!

Go Elizabeth! You inspire us all!

Elizabeth Weber said...

Thanks for your great comments!!! I'll see you at the top. This is the first time I'm on MA Blog. I'm sure I'll be talking to you soon. Love, Elizabeth