
New Product Update

Just wanted to make sure everyone sees the new press release announcing future vitamins for children with Autism. There will be much more information on this in the coming weeks, but the inquiries from members of the media and more importantly from the parents of autistic children has been significant since we sent the release out last Thursday. Be sure to check out the news section and MA Blog for future updates on these products.


Kris said...

As the parent of an autistic child, I would like to commend Market America for stepping up to the challenge to help these children and their families. My daughter, now 7, has made significant progress through biomedical intervention and is essentially "recovered". So many of these children are severely lacking the nutrients needed due to gut dysfunction, dietary issues and compromised immune systems. We have been supplementing her since she was three years old and I only wish that I had been able to give her an isotonic supplement that was easy to take and taste. Younger kids cannot swallow pills, and so many of these kids are extremely sensitive to taste and texture, making it almost impossible to "hide" things in their food. Also, the related gut issues of viruses, allergies and yeast mean that any supplements they are given are really giving no significant nutritional value. By creating vitamins that spend almost no time in the gut and grant rapid absorption at a high concentration, these kids can begin to improve much faster. Autism is an extremely difficult, emotional and challenging disability. Very few things you do on a day to day basis, that are considered "normal" to most, are easy. Making a supplement that your child will enjoy taking will be a tremendous benefit and relief to parents and caregivers. Thank you Market America for caring enough to step up and help us help our children.

Kris -
MA distributor and proud mom to Macie

Anonymous said...

After 5 years of asking Market America to help develop a line of nutritional supplements for children, especially children on the Autism Spectrum maybe our cries along with others have finally reached a level of concern and opportunity. There are a large number of companies that have developed good, better, best products, and very poor products to help children avoid chemical dependency affected with Autism. So why can't a company that creates the best products available for adults and a great children's vitamin step up to the plate and help the children that need it the most?

Congratulations to Market America for making that bold step and taking to the next level vitamin supplements for Autism.

Autism is a neurological disorder brought about by heriditary, trama and environmental conditions. It now affects 1 in 150 children. In some geological areas of the world it affects as many as 1 in 54 children. This is not a condition that clears up on its own but continues through adulthood. To learn more about this condition and concerns you may have go to www.autismsocietyofamerica.com or visit with a local support group in your area. We have established connections with over 300 families across the U.S and into Canada for families affected by Asperger Syndrome, a higher functioning form of Autism for support and a sharing of ideas. Just to give you a perspective here are a couple of popular names affected by Asperger Syndrome: Dan Akroyd(actor), Bill Gates. Albert Einstein, as well, as other geniuses of our past had a much more advanced condition called Savant Autism.

Autism cannot be cured outright at this time but through proper nutrition, and in some cases, medication, the condition can be suppressed or become milder so that these individiuls can lead productive lives. If anyone would like to communicate ideas and/or concerns please email us at cdgonsalez@msn.com.

Chuck & Dee Gonsalez
Market America Distributors