
Online Appearance of JR

A short while after Loren launches her blog, JR decided to drop some public love online as well. I've always thought it's somewhat neat for couples to share opinions online next to each other, "he said / she said - iVillage style". It gives couples a chance to vent without being interrupted.

No editors, legal, copy writers - just heart to heart talk from JR and Loren.


LDurand said...

Hi Paul,

Thank you for bringing blogging into MA and for sharing Loren's blog with all of us. As a new media specialist I have been working with clients for a few years on the potential for this channel as a business asset. I would love to connect with you and discuss the opportunities for all MA Business owners to use blogging as a business development tool and to increase the overall positioning of the primary MarketAmerica.com portal. I have had great success with it in developing my own Unfranchise.

Please feel free to contact me at any time at ldurand@shaw.ca

Thank you again, I look forward to your future posts.

Leslie Durand

Anonymous said...

Where can I begin. I first want to thank you and Loren for this amazing business and lifestyle in which it provides; that you've created with incredible hard work and VISION! I truly love this business as if it was my own child with everything that I am(ask Elizabeth or Marge,etc.). I wait like a child does at Christmas for Powerline to arrive in the mailbox to hear the latest news and announcements. This new blog is amazing I can not wait each and every hour now to hear the latest from you and Loren and corporate,as was tonights case after the kickoff to see the latest information. We are all so very proud of all you've done and continue to achieve as our leader in this business and in life, your a true visionary and its truly a pleasure to be part of the greatest revolution to every come forth in this era and many to come. Thank You again from the bottom of my heart and I am sure at the bottom of everyone's true being that is partnered with this amazing company. God Bless You and Yours.

Unknown said...

I have been researching, starting a blog of my own. There are so many great ones out there, with such great information. I was sure that a blog could be helpful in building my business. But I just didn't know where to start. Plus the fact that I live in a rural area with only dial-up. Frustrating to say the least. Look for an email from me.

Anonymous said...


Hi Trevor, just saw you on the powerline, kudos for hitting professional!!! Keep going! See you at Leadership.

jennifer twardosky

Anonymous said...

What can I say? Thank you JR and Loren. This has been the most overwhelming leadership school yet! (What else is new?) I am a distributer from Fl. Dist since 99. took a looong time to active and get here. Have not been able to get past this point. I am hanging on to the preverbial "Knot" at the end of the rope! The knot keeps getting bigger!
When JR started speaking on Sat my new goal staement came to me and with it what to do.
I can't thank you enough for helping me to dream again. I thought I had lost it for good.