
Low vitamin D again linked to higher mortality.

Numerous studies have shown that lower levels of vitamin D can be associated with the increased occurrences of health issues and premature mortality in the elderly. A new study published in Clinical Endocrinology (November 2009), followed the vitamin D levels of 614 men and women, average age of 70 years, over a period of 6 years. Those exhibiting the lowest blood levels of vitamin D were found to have 2-4 times the increased risk for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. This report helps to support the need for vitamin D supplementation with regards to reducing mortality and cardiovascular risks.

To read the abstract of this study:
Pubmed abstract


apasquale said...

Vitamin D, is a life saver during winter. It always make me feel like I am lifted up and ready to go. Take it every a.m.! Loving the Isotonix and the taste too. Anthony Pasquale

Tu anjelitosoyyo said...

always take vitamin no mara what

Catherine In Health said...

Soooooo So True....I've increased my dad's Vitamin D and the difference is like night and day..He is 83 and it has made a huge difference.