
Voitel® Hits the Accelerator

Hi Market America and Voitel® Listeners…good morning…

Fasten your seat belt as we put the 'pedal to the metal' and prepare yourself to embrace Voitel 2009.

We will share advancements in the evolution of our Home Phone and Wireless Services as well as formally introduce our new BIG ‘T1’ Bandwidth Internet Access Service at our event in Greensboro.

Support your Unfranchise® business with Voitel Telecom-Tools and help create the Economy of the Future.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in August.

Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel


Denise said...

Hi. My name is Denise Childers and I am bringing 12 people from my team. I am really excited that my boyfriend is coming. He was the "strong non believer". He has never been to a meeting but agreed to give me all the time I needed to see if this was what I believed it could be. One day he gently said "Honey, it would be great if you could get all the names of those people who lost their jobs at Key Bank" I looked at him and said "Do you mean Market America?" He said "Yes, you could really help them and change their lives!" From that day on he has supported me. Last week his son became a business partner! His first experience will be Convention! Wow, he has no idea what an incredible experience he is in for. My first convention changed my life! I LOVE THIS BUSINESS AND I THANK GOD THIS GIFT WAS OFFERED TO ME!!!

Voitel Telecommunications said...

Hi Denise...good morning...
Thanks for your post. Can I ask---are those 12 people on your team, that you are bringing to Greensboro, subscribers of Voitel?
Granted I have the inside scoop on what Voitel has to say this year, but I would be willing to wager that your ability to earn some ongoing income as a result of your 12 folks signing up for our services is high.
Please stop by the Voitel booth for a 'formal' introduction.
We look forward to seeing you in August.
Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel