
How do you Promote Voitel®

Hi Market America and Voitel® listeners...good morning all...

A few of you asked how to sell Market America's Voitel services. I am encouraged by the drive you all have to promote our Voitel solutions and it would be timely to arm all ma distributors and all interested Voitel partners with the tools needed to sell these services successfully and with confidence worthy of your efforts.

Just as an FYI: we are in the process of scripting and producing some downloadable documents (Battlecards, training modules, presentations) that will support your efforts soon. Please look for those materials on Unfranchise®, under the 'training and downloads' link after our event in August.

I thought that in the meanwhile though, you might be able to leverage some of these FAQ's Download FAQ's on using Voitel (PDF link) for answers to some common questions you may have on these services (Adobe Acrobat required to view the PDF).

So how do you use this information to sell Voitel? Strictly as a suggestion, and for instance, you could reference those '10 Reasons to Switch to Voitel' blog I posted a few weeks ago in conjunction with these FAQs so you can support the education process, create Voitel awareness and then navigate that sale to a 'closed' sale.

Please email me at voitelq&a@marketamerica.com if you would like an example of how to 'spin' and integrate this information into a 30 second elevator pitch or email me if you have suggestions you would like to share with our audience.

Happy Selling!

Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel