
Take Care of Your Skin, You Wear it Everyday

Winter is a wonderful time, the skies are usually clear, the air is fresh and holidays fall in one after the other. But winter also brings several unwanted visitors; blistering winds, dry air, and very little moisture. Our skin needs to be helped along during this busy season. Working for our Personal Care department, friends, family and customers are always asking what product we recommend during the moisture depleting months of winter to keep their skin balanced and supple. Well here are several options….

A good moisturizer is key to maintaining healthy, comfortable skin in the coming months. Skintelligence® Daily Moisture Enhancer is a great start for younger, more sensitive skin. It is wonderful! This moisturizer carries five times its weight in water to “super-hydrate” skin cells. We really love it because it works another miracle, it plumps up skin cells – eliminates the appearance of fine lines. And for those of you out there that second my notion that the more natural the product, the better, you’ll love this one because it contains seven natural plant extracts and is fragrance-free.

Timeless Prescription® Face Firming Moisturizer with MDI Complex is for more mature skin, fighting the dehydrating environmental effects thoroughly as the day wears long. This particular moisturizer is composed of Advance Moisture Complex (AMC) with six moisturizers, vitamins A, B5, C and E antioxidants. It helps to protect your skin against free radicals and once again, seems to hide the tell tell affects of aging. Once you apply this product you are set for the day!
The next recommendation, Pentaxyl® is a fabulous full body moisturizer. It is safe enough to use on the face but intended to be used everywhere! It serves as an intensive repair agent for the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and furrows while helping to stimulate collagen and restoring cellular matrix to a more youthful condition. Pentaxyl does this by drenching the skin with moisture, rejuvenating it while fighting against all those things around us that we cannot control; whether it’s dry heat from our fireplace or the signature whipping winds of the winter season.

Cellular Laboratories™ features its own moisturizer, De-Aging Crème in its luxurious anti-aging line. Not only does the product provide intense moisture to thirsty skin but it also contains skin brightening elements and nourishes skin with powerful anti-oxidants. When the skin is treated as it should be and moisturized properly, as with the De-Aging Crème, fine lines appear to relax making a more youthful appearance. Who wouldn’t love that?

NOTE: If you are fighting acne during this winter season be sure to do it in moderation. One would think that the more treatment the better but beware of the drying effects of acne systems when used to the extreme. Stick to the recommended regimen! Too much will cause your skin to be dry, brittle and show imperfections as it is trying to over compensate for all of the treatments it is being drowned in.


Anonymous said...

What happened to the other cell Labs daytime product? Is it gone?