
Entrepreneurial people power speak out

Save taxpayers from bailing out anyone and everyone.

As you know, I've been very concerned over the directions our government is taking and the long range effects of bailing out everyone who can find the "pay window". Of course, it is we the taxpayers who are really doing the bailing out. We need to let our elected officials know that we are not pleased with their handling of the economy and in particular the most recent effort by the automobile industry to get their hands in our pockets. Here we are being asked to pay for the greed of the big labor bosses and the ineptitude of auto industry management. When US automakers have to use $1,500 of the sales price of every car they sell to pay for health care costs - we are in very perilous territory. and this doesn't even address the overly generous pensions and perks granted to the labor unions.

Take a moment and send a message to your elected officials. Take action now!

Best wishes for the Holidays,
JR Ridinger
President & CEO


Anonymous said...

Right On!!! What is going on with the republicans giving away more money than any administration in the past? Then in two month the Dems take over with a huge debt, and they will wield their favorite sword, tax increases. Luckilly for us all, we have MA to offset anything the Gov't tries to take out of our pockets. Lets all go build, and fix this economy our selves. Here's to the economy of the future.

PS: We all need to help in GA and MN, if the Dems win these races they will have the 60 seats in the senate and totally control. Then watch out.

Brian Nott said...

Done and done

Trevor said...

Thank You JR!

We live in a democracy lets act like it and make our voices heard.

Anonymous said...

It good to know that I'm not alone in my thinking these days. It's hard to imagine anyone wanting to work for wealth when our leaders want to take what I've worked so hard for and just pass it out without thought or accountability. I sincerely pray that we, as a country, will wake up and take action to keep our country as a free market country. Belva Carley

ArthurSBrown said...

J.R. I'm eternally grateful for this business, and I couldn't agree more that the corporate welfare which spun out of control under Republican watch has got to stop.

Also, I agree that no business should have to pay for their employee's health care. Like every other civilized country, we deserve universal health care - paid for by our very own tax dollars. In Canada, France, Germany, and England, if you're sick, you see the doctor. No money? No problem. Instead of having our tax money buy bridges to nowhere, how about caring for our fellow citizens?

You're also right in regards to - what happened to our values and traditions that we turn a blind eye to fat cats awarding themselves unprecedented golden parachutes, while their companies go down the tubes, and at the same time, we can't (or won't) find the money to help the neediest among us - veteran services, education for kids born into poverty, etc.

Thank goodness we're about to see a Democratic congress and President so we can swing the pendulum back just a little bit towards sanity, responsibility, and caring for our fellow countrymen.

You are all absolutely right!

Dustin Mitchell - Entrepreneur said...


Dustin Mitchell
St. Louis, MO