
Pet food for thought

I came across this web page today and I thought I would share it with you. The article gives a pretty detailed look into pet food and exactly how it is processed and regulated in the industry. I’ve spoken to a few vets who swear by the commercial brands of dog and cat food as they have been around for quite some time and do have some studies to demonstrate their effectiveness. Nevertheless, with more consumers switching to organic and natural-based nutrition for the pets (or completely natural - i.e., BARF) I thought you’d find it interesting to read exactly how it all comes together. An informed consumer is a smart consumer!


Anonymous said...

We don't currently have a partner store that supplies BARF, do we?

Eddie Riddle said...

Yes. Petfooddirect.com sells raw food in frozen food. It's a little pricey, but they do have it available. You can also make it yourself, it can be kind of a headache though to cook for your family and prepare a separate meal for your pets. You also need to be careful with self preparation because of salmonella and e.coli.

Refracted Lite said...

I'm a firm believer in a raw diet for my dogs. However, if you aren't one of those who feel they can do that, there is much better foods on the market for your pets, and some would say close to equal. I had a dog that developed allergies so bad we had to put him down. My son bought a dog from a natural breeder. Then we bought one. I'm convinced that Otto would be with us today if I fed him a raw diet or at least equivalent to. Check shirleyswellnesscafe. Also there's a book I read that was very good, sent by the breeder of my dog. Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats
by Kymythy Schultze
Hope this was hopeful to you.