
Transitions™ Testimonial

This is a great testimonial from a mother that used Transitions to help her teenage son and eventually the whole family to get healthy!

Dear Transitions,

Dan is 16 years old and doesn’t like to exercise unless asked to participate. He is definitely an academic kid.

As I child I was built just like Dan and was fat by the age of 13. I too hated to exercise. (I lost 35 pounds that year and have maintained my weight since that time).

I knew it was important to get Dan on the program, but didn’t want to push. My friend, Barb Cirella, a Certified Transitions Lifestyle Coach asked Dan participate in a class that was skewed towards men. Dan agreed to go the introduction meeting with me. He said YES to the classes, and the rest was history. I joined him on the program to keep him company, and after 6 weeks, Dan and I continued on our own.

Since August of 2007 Dan dropped over 25 pounds (close to 170, now 143) and kept the weight off for over a year. He lost over 10% BF and over 10 inches. Dan took CLA as the only supplement, which he continues to take today.

After starting to lose weight he started Karate and is now on his way to his red belt. Dan has been able to manage eating at school functions and parties and stands taller and prouder than he ever did. Daniel is a food addict like me and although he will continue to have to learn how to live with his food addictions, he now can make smarter, more informed choices when looking for a snack or to fill that void.

Thanks to you and your team for putting together such a wonderful program.

By the way, my husband went along for the ride, (he is thin), to get rid of that stubborn poof on his belly. He dropped 2 inches off his already slim waist and now wears a 31 waist.

We are so proud of Daniel.

Charlene Schosser


Anonymous said...

This is just wonderful!