
Favorite Health and Nutrition products

Like most of you, I'm a product of our products. Almost every morning begins with an Isotonix® cocktail (even before my first cuppa, which is unheard of in my household. Foolish is he or she who tries to talk to me before coffee!) and my colleagues frequently chuckle at the constantly-replenished stash of Transitions™ meals (as well as bottles of Omega III and Glucosatrin™) that are always handy at my desk.

So I'm just curious to know what YOUR Health and Nutrition routine consists of? Do you have a particular preferred cocktail blend? (personally, I like the flavor of Acai mixed with the multivitamin, b-complex, multimineral and/or complete greens, but try to rotate in all the others, too) Have you "mixed and matched" any others with great success?

There's no real corporate agenda here; I'm just looking for a few good ideas to help me switch up my routine and try all the great Health and Nutrition products we have here at Market America. Please feel free to include your suggestions in the comment section below - thanks!


Brian Nott said...

Here ya go:
1. Isotonix Beauty Blend
2. Transitions Vanilla Shake mix, with Banana, blueberries, Adams Peanut Butter and Vanilla Soy Milk, in a blender for breakfast
3. CoQ10 chewable

That's the morning routine.

pkoury said...

1. 2-OPC3 / 1-Acai / 2-Orac -first thing in the morning.
2. Torch Lemon/Lime Pre-Burn / Vanilla After-Burn on workout days

Anonymous said...

Daily Routine -
My morning cocktail consists of the following:
3 OPC-3
2 Acai
1 Resveratrol

30 minutes later, I have coffee and Transitions Anti-Stress.

Then Transitions Supplements with a Transitions friendly breakfast.
Thyroid Support

Before I leave the house, a big gulp of Aloe Juice.

Mid-morning I take my B-complex, Omega 3s, Glucosatrin and Curcumin

Transitions meal and salad for lunch, again with the Transitions supplements.

A couple days a week in the mid-afternoon, I treat myself to a Transitions shake (can't do everyday as the sugar alcohols really bother my system).

I try to remember to take my Transitions supplements with dinner, but doesn't always happen. Often will take the Digestive Enzymes after eating.

Right before bed, I take Glucosatrin and Prime Libido.

I am DEFINITELY a product of the product!! :o)

Paul Z said...

I'm glad those health and nutrition products are working out well for you guys. I know many people who take them regularly.

Anonymous said...

1. Before I walk out of the house: a couple big gulps of Aloe Juice
2. Once I'm in the office cocktail: 1 OPC, 1ORAC, 1 B Complex, 1 Calcium
3. half hr later: 2 Oxygen Plus
4. at lunch cocktail: 2-3 digestive enzyme, 1 multi-tech, 1 b complex
5. to fight the after lunch snooze, 1 acai
6. at dinner 3-4 digestive enzyme
And occasionally 2-3 more OPC through out the day.

I can't do w/o it!!


Anonymous said...

Hi AC don't forget IMMUNE... they do work! If still unsure of what to take.. take the NutriPhysical again...or better yet, your geneSNP =-)

Brownshuga said...

1. First thing in the AM on an empty stomach, OPC-3 Beauty Blend, Calcium Plus,B Complex and Acai. And don't forget the Omega lll.
2.Throughout the day, the reccommended Transitions supplements with each meal(sometimes I forget, but I try as best I can) Bliss on days when things begin to get to me
3. Resveratrol in the evening just before dinner, it's a nice pick me up and tastes like wine w/o the alcohol.
4. Just b4 bedtime, another cap of Calcium and I am good to go for a restful sleep.
Other supplements are taken on an as needed basis.

Joy said...

Morning cocktail:
1 OPC-3, 1 Calcium Plus, 1/2 cap ORAC, 1 Multi-Tech, 1/2 cap Isochrome, 1/2 cap Vitamin C.

With breakfast: B-complex, Vision, Glucosatrin, Omega III.

Before bed: same as morning cocktail

All meals: Transitions FCI and CAI to maintain my weight loss

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if anyone has had success with a chronic cough. My son is fourteen months old and has had a cough most of his young life. I have started him on OPC-3 and the Might-a-mins for two months and still no luck on kicking the cough. I would appreciate any recommendations because the Doctors can not find the cause. Jennifer C

AC said...

Hi Jen C,

Before giving your 14-month old ANY kind of nutritional supplements, PLEASE make sure to have your doctor's approval first!

We want the best for your son, too, but please know that, as stated on the label, Might A Mins are only intended for kids older than 2. All other formulations (unless specifically indicated as for children) are intended for adult use only.

Please remember these two simple rules of thumb: ALWAYS talk to your doctor first, and ALWAYS read the label & follow its directions!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you!