
Prepping your pets for travel

As International Convention 2008 is fast approaching, many of you are probably making travel arrangements for your pets. It may not be practical for you to travel with your pets to Greensboro this year, so make sure that whoever is watching them while you’re gone is prepared to take care of them just like you would if you were home.

Some things to consider are your pet's diet and supplement routine. If you are leaving your pets with a family member, make sure you tell them how much PetHealth™ OPC Formula (code 5602) and PetHealth™ Multivitamin (dogs - 5606 and cats - 5608) to feed them. Supplements are most effective when they are taken consistently. Maybe Fido prefers his vitamins prepared a certain way, so make sure whoever is watching him is aware of this - you don't want him to miss out on the benefits of his supplements just because your dog sitter didn't know how he liked them.

Many kennels and pet resorts offer discounts for providing your own food. Don't forget to take your Wellness® Dog or Cat Food (from petfooddirect.com) to the kennel with specific feeding instructions. Otherwise, your pet may end up eating a substandard dog or cat food. Also, check to make sure that your kennel will continue your pet's supplement regimen as well as any medications they may be on. Again, if you have any special needs or requirements for your pets make sure to be specific in your instructions.

No one likes to return home to a smelly dog. Make sure you take your favorite PetHealth™ Shampoo (Hypoallergenic – code 5612 and Medicated – code 5614) with you to the kennel. Ask ahead to make sure that they are willing to use your shampoo (and hey, who knows – they may like it enough to start using it themselves - $$).

Finally, make sure to give your pets a lot of love and affection before you leave. Traveling is stressful for them, and unless you’re a fire monster, I'm sure they don’t like to be apart from you. Talk calmly to them and give a good back rub. Let them know you’ll be back! Be prepared for lots of kisses. Don’t forget to bring them back a present!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this up...I get my cat sitter lined up two months before convention and I take Bliss and make sure all their food and special catnip toys are lined out for them.....now you have to do a gardner tips article on who takes care of your garden when you are at convention! See you in Greensboro!