
Perfecting the Doctor-Patient Partnership

With the nutraMetrix presentation still going strong here at Convention, I just couldn't wait for it to be over before I bragged a little about this incredible division of Market America.

Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Julian Blumenfeld may have summed it up best when he said that it is the right time and right place for this alternative wellness approach to sweep our nation.

For decades, we did not combat terrorist activity until 9/11 happened. For decades, we did not spend the time or resources on developing alternative fuels until gas hit $4 a gallon. And for decades, we have taken a very passive approach as the U.S. healthcare system has spiraled out of control, said Blumenfeld.

The solution is not up to the federal government, it is not up to the health insurance agencies, and it is not up to the pharmaceutical companies. The solution is up to you and me to take our own wellness into our hands through preventative nutrition rather than medical treatment. And that, is why the time is now for nutraMetrix.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Very powerful comment by Dr. Blumenfeld. He is right, most Doctors are looking at offering their own Wellness Programs. And NUTRAMETRIX has the solution!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree

Anonymous said...

Agree again our products are the best been using them for the last several years....economical too.......

were there any blogs before 12:30?
I seem to have an error message
is anyone else experiencing this?
Thankx again for information from convention.....
wanted to know more about the first sesion......

BK said...

As Market America corporate is working feverishly to deploy the latest upgrades to our Portal, I have also seen the error message you are talking about. But just hang in there and check back often. Thanks for your comments and we appreciate your patience!

Anonymous said...

I would say Market America is the alternative for everything.I mean, it is truly alternative for job,health insurance companies,the way people shop and so many things on and on..Definitely is a SKY THE LIMIT.

Market America is not joking around.I really do believe this company will go beyond.A real serious and the most powerful business I have ever seen in my entire life!

JR and his corporate team really create the best company of the world, MARKET AMERICA

Eric Silva
Stamford Connecticut