
Thoughts from the Field

JR recently passed along a letter he received from Pam and Jim Lee, two of our longtime Distributors. They offered an interesting analogy, comparing Market America with home ownership:

"Most homes appreciate in value over time. But it's not enough to simply keep them 'in good shape' - you have to modernize and upgrade along the way. As long as the home has a solid foundation, modernizing makes the difference between an average return and an excellent return."

The same is true for Market America - built on a strong foundation (succeeding by helping others succeed, and our revolutionary compensation plan), the company has modernized over the years: by adding hundreds of market-driven new products, by setting trends rather than following them, by adding a Web portal, Partner Stores, IBV and so much more.

Simply put, there's no better time to get started with Market America than the present. You can always count on MA to be at the forefront - whether it be technology, products or services, we are constantly seeking new features that help our Distributors succeed.

Thanks again to Pam and Jim Lee for sharing their thoughts. We always appreciate hearing from our Field leaders, so please feel free to send us an email whenever you've got an interesting anecdote, idea or suggestion. All input is welcome and valued, so drop us a line anytime & we promise to keep working hard for YOU!


Anonymous said...

Pam & Jim Lee are great trainers as they were in the Tampabay Local event last March.
I like that analogy!