
Let the ride begin...

11:39 p.m. EST
Somewhere over Maryland

Let the ride begin. Loren and I and a few friends are en route to Miami from NYC after a week of business, more business and even more business and some fun. Leadership School is fast approaching, so everyone is busy. This one will be more exciting than you can imagine and it will blow your mind! And so many partners are jumping on board...it's tough to keep up. But the knowledge and belief that we are changing the way people shop; becoming the Google of merchandising - creating a new economy makes it all worth it. Because ultimately that means economic freedom for millions.

Our week in New York...

The legendary Spanish music artist, Alejandro Sanz and his girl friend Raquel flew up with us on our chartered plane and stayed with us. We got settled and had several meetings to close deals for Leadership School. I can't wait to tell you about them. Loren had a shower for a best friend at Gramercy Hotel (the coolest in the city), so I got some work done. Later that night we had dinner with Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez. Loren was feeling the call of the city to shop, but there was no time; so she and her friends went online and had the stores send her everything to try. I don't know how she pulls that off - but she does. The girls were ready to empty our wallets, but there was nothing that great to buy. It was good to see that they could exercise restraint. I know they are saving it or later.

Friday was even busier with meetings all over the city and video conferences on Leadership School presentations. That night we all went to the Trinidad-Jones fight at the Garden and had front row seats. You may have seen us on TV. It was incredible sitting with Marc Anthony and Alejandra Sanz, and of course Amber, Loren and Raquel (three fashion icons and beauties). I had such a great time. Trinidad "Titto" loves Marc and they shouted out to each other throughout the match. Our man didn't win, but we made a presence in the Garden. I can't help but think how many wonderful friends we have in the Latino community and how great Market America will do there.

The week picked up momentum with Loren making an appearance on the Kimora Lee Simmons television show - "Life in the Fab Lane". The show is an inside look into the glamorous life of Baby Phat CEO and devoted mom Kimora Lee Simmons. The show will air in April and will include Kimora's appearance at Market America's Leadership School.

Kimora and ma are partnering together to distribute and merchandise an inclusive line of bath and body products under the "Fabulosity" brand. Kimora's cosmetics will also be available at marketamerica.com. Loren tells me that Kimora is a little nervous about speaking in front of 22,000 people. She's going to do great.

Next stop Madison Square Garden again but a totally different scene...

With a few friends in tow (including Loren's best friend Jennifer and her husband Marc, and Mexican pop sensation Paulina and her husband) we ventured over to the WaMu Theatre at Madison Square to see our friend Alejandro Sanz perform. By the way, for those of you who may not know who Alejandro is...he is the world's largest and most successful Spanish artist -including 21 million records sold and 15 Grammy Awards.

We walked into the theatre to thunderous roar of 6,000 people. I was taken aback by the feeling in the room. It reminded me of a Market America event. When the concert was over, we stepped out of the theatre into a throng of paparazzi, fans and police. The word is getting out about Market America.

I really have a sense that these artists GET IT. They see how Market America is the Internet powered by people. They understand the similarities of what Amazon did with books to our strategy to use entertainment and music to drive traffic to marketamerica.com

Leadership School is going to be great, the excitement and anticipation is undeniable. Market America's future is bright...I hope you will be a part of the movement.

Much more to come. Keep Growing, love - JR


Bonissat said...

Wow, I'm just blown away. I'm just speechless and excited at the same time.Now its just a matter of time before it explodes. BOOM.

Anonymous said...

We love you JR! Thanks for making our dreams come true.

Unknown said...

Thanks JR! I really like this idea of blogging. Market America is the future of business and I am very excited about where we're going! MA is hope and a life changing journey!

See you at Leadership School!

Dion H.
Jersey City, NJ

Anonymous said...

Thanks JR. It is always a great day with MA! Can't wait to see you at Leadership. Keep up the great work for all of us to enjoy. You all are the best.

Unknown said...

JR, thank you! for sharing your journey though the city and how you went from event to event. It helps to understand how you are building the business and driving traffic to our web portals, "everything's in the music!!" It feels like we are along side you.

Now, I can share in your excitement and direction; right now in real time, thanx to this BLOG!! We are becoming the google of merchandising, creating a new economy. And what a beautiful concept, though the ears and hearts of the world. We will drive more traffic to our web portals than Amazon could ever do with books.

MA puts everyone on the playing field.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I'll see you in Miami next week, JR. This is going to be the greatest Leadership School yet. And as always you're on top of everything here. ma is the greatest.

Debbie said...

JR. I had many things holding me back from attending convention this year. After reading your "blog", my mind is clear. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU THERE!!!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you in Miami. Thank you JR to keep our dreams alive.

Anonymous said...

JR you sure know how to inspire & send chills through ones body. All I can say is thank you for your foresight and giving it to us.

Anonymous said...

JR I am a part of your movement! We continue to pray for the Lord to continue to bless you and Loren for impowering people to reach their dreams. The best part is that you treat people like they are your real brothers and sisters. May you have a long long life so you will be able to help many for their dreams to become a reality. I hope to shake your hands at the leadership school. We love you JR & Loren.

Anonymous said...

This is all very exciting...The recognition is great! Let's hope it eventually translates into the hard working average folk (our executive coor and masters)being able to add some new partners that can generate what these celebraties coming on board do for the leaders
Anonymous MA loyal distributor

Anonymous said...


Mel010100 said...

How fun to have a MA blog!!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! I already feel close to you JR having listened to the Basic Five CD set hundreds of times along with many other audios. This is awesome to be this closely linked to a history making individual and the greatest organization all while scripting a successful future for my family.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you at my first Leadership! You are a genius JR!

Anonymous said...

Thank you JR. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to be a part of this amazing company. You have saved my life, both physically with our powerful products and emotionally by igniting my dreams again. Every time I receive a commission check, I count my blessings, all the way to the bank....LOL
You won't notice me in the huge crowd, but I'll be there at Leadership, applauding you every step of the way. Bless you and Loren and the corporate team.

Anonymous said...

It is so awesome to be a part of such an incredible company. Thank you for the opportunity and for changing our lives.

Jay & Lisa Sanchez

Michelle said...

I am so ready for Miami! I can already feel the excitement as each day gets closer! This will be my first Leadership and definitely not my last! I can hardly wait to see what MA has in store for all our futures. Thanks to you, JR and lovely Loren for making this all possible! Sincerely, Michelle

Anonymous said...

I have always believed in your Vision JR.

Anonymous said...

THANKS to Market Anerica and JR, I was able to quit my job and stay home with my newly adopted daughters.

ronhill said...

JR and Loren,

You constantly amaze me with your relentless efforts to revolutionize online shopping but most of all you are revolutionizing business now and for the forseeable future. Please keep progressing toward innovation of both marketamerica.com and market america as a company.
I am so proud to be a part of a company that is constantly moving forward with fresh ideas and new concepts. You are never satisfied, there is more to accomplish in your minds. And to that I tip my hat. JR and Loren you are true inspirations, true mentors, and most of all true people. I cannot thank you and the corporate team enough for all of your hardwork. See you in Miami!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks JR. See you in Miami.

Anonymous said...

I want to say I am so happy to be with Market America. The products that I use are GREAT. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JR. I hope to be in the money soon.

Anonymous said...

Nice article, thank you JR. We are always with you.

Anonymous said...

I am very happy to be with Market America,Hope to be in the money real soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi JR & Loren, I can't wait until leadership school in Miami next week,
You always surprise us with your forward thinking and inrcedible new products and services. And the weather is not too bad either!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you guys had an awesome week in NYC! Next week at Leadership will be fantastic, too! Can't wait to see everyone! Oh, and between the ma blog, your soon-to-be-released blog, and Loren's, I've got my lunchtime blog exploration covered! Rock on, ma! -The Wooch

Anonymous said...

Thanks JR and Loren for all your hard work to continue making MA the best business today! A business that any average person can do and can make a way for
ALL to have financial freedom! We don't have much goals for "stuff" but we do want to adopt again and as of now do not have the money to do so and it breaks our hearts... We are praying and believe that MA is the way we will be blessed and can start to adopt another little girl so our adopted daughter Elliana can have a baby sister soon.
With all our love and thanks,
Tina,Joe, and Elliana Scheckel

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to be at the leadership school 2008!!!
and, lets us know more about your life, JR! :D

Courtney said...

I am brand new to this business and I can't tell you how excited and inspired I am by you! I can't belive you hung out with Alejandro Sanz! (my mom is my MA sponsor, so I had to explain to her how cool that is because she doesn't know any Latin music). Thank you so much for making a truly wonderful business opportunity available!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO grateful to have been introduced to the absolute best company first before someone approached me from the wrong ones. I can't wait to hop on the plane to Leadership School! I hope that new bone formula is announced!I have my three for Greensboro, too! Great blog idea. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great to hear what the Ridinger clan is up to both personally and for MA. Thanks for taking the time to share. We can't wait to see you at Leadership and can only imagine what surprises you have in store for us.

PS: When's Hogan Energy coming??? :-)

Anonymous said...

Great! Thanks JR! MA now follows internet trend. Another step closer :D

Anonymous said...

what a hack job. I thought this is supposed to be a blog, not corporate advertisement

Anonymous said...

I believe everybody will be crazy at the Leadership School. I will certainly be one of them.

Crystal said...

JR, You not only inspire me but you make me cry tears of excitement! The Best is yet to come in all of us! Endless Thank You's...

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have ever blogged!! It is so cool! Can't wait to get to Miami. I haven't been there since winning a sales contest as a 14 year old paper boy. Don't think I will be getting into any water baloon fights in the hotel this time though.

I looking forward to experiencing the power of Market America up close and all the great things I will learn and the super people I will meet.

Jerry Lane
Lemmon, SD

Anonymous said...

Market America is the future for all Americans. We are changing the world, but the congress can only cut the rate. Go JR!

Anonymous said...

Cada paso, desde que me levanto... estoy pensando, que aburrida una vida sin MA!!!

Anonymous said...

I just read JR's letter. I hope people can feel his heart as he is greatful and hopeful for all of us to build financial stability. When he speaks, I always get choked up. He is real, the business is real, and we owe HIM to treat and build it Real!!! We owe it to ourselves and our families.
Thank you for your great heart.

Jennifer Twardosky
New Hampshire

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is so cool! Such a great communication tool! Go JR & Loren!
A million thanks! See you in Miami
Crystal Gulseth

Anonymous said...

Tell us more about the party in South Beach at Nikki Beach after Leadership....is it Market America distributors only? I never miss a party!!
Nancy J

Vanessa said...

Thank you JR & Loren for sharing your vision.

I am looking forward to being a tremendous success, helping other people via MarketAmerica.

Vanessa Rivers
Sicklerville, NJ

Unknown said...

THANK YOU....THANK YOU... THANK YOU... I have never felt better about the security of my future. You are amazing people and I love that you want to share - see you at Leadership!

Sharon-Elk River MN

Unknown said...

MA is the best company in the world with the best people steering the ship. J.R. and Loren inspire millions of us to have the best in life by sharing their creation and may GOD Bless you and all your loved oned ALWAYS!


Victoria - New Hampshire said...

Thank you JR & Loren! A truly great way for us to keep in the know.

Unknown said...

Somebody define BLOG for me! Just got this 40's something mind into texting...now blogging? Haven't tread this water yet!

Watch for me. I have myself frolicking in the gardens & swimming in the pool at the Ridinger estate. Then see me schmoozing with the "somebodies" on the yacht! It's all on my DREAMBOARD and I have a fancy way of manifesting what I want. Perhaps Loren will seek out my Feng Shui expertise while we are trying on shoes together(don't tell her I currently shop at TJ Maxx). I see it coming...it's happening people!

Peace, love, harmony...FREEDOM and MONEY....it's ours...you just have to go get it! And if you run out of money...no worries. Just go get more!

Gwendolyn GONOW
Twin Cities (that would be Minnesota)

Paul Z said...

Gwen: A blog is almost like a public online journal, that people can leave comments on.

For a more in depth explanation, try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog


Anonymous said...

Thanks JR and Loren for your being in touch with what's happening in many arenas. We look forward with great anticipation to Leadership School in Miami. We already know it will be spectacular!

See you in Miami,
Mike & Peggy Ellis
York, PA

Anonymous said...

It is very exciting to read that you all had fun. Friends plus Family plus Fun equals to Fantastic time. The pending partnership with BABY PHAT is what I am most excited of. Most young women from TWEEN, TEENS and Young adults love her line and are sporting them on the streets, middle, high and campuses all over North carolina. Adding this line to our portal will most defintly be a PLUS.
Thanks for the commentary.

Felicia DuBois
North Carolina

Anonymous said...

Viva Market America, vamos amigos!!

Anonymous said...

Best Business to be.
My favourite, IBV

Thanks JR.

Anonymous said...

Thanks JR!! You are simply the best. Market America is the best. We'll become the ulimate shopping site on the internt. I can't wait for the Miami Leadership School with all my partners. It's going to be another great event for us to learn, grow, and earn.

peggi said...

JR, I have missed you, we haven't heard a lot from you for a while, like on PATlive. I'm so happy all is well, and I know you have been working so hard, we just need to hear from you more often to know you're ok. This is perfect for that and I love it! You are such a visionary, and you have the perfect team with Loren and Dennis and Marty and everyone. I will be with you all forever, whether I strike it rich or not! But of course I will.... take care and we love you!

Anonymous said...

Onto the future. Leadership in Miami will be awesome. We are all on the road to success!!! With the fastastic leadership team that Market America has, there is no way we can fail!!!

Jan G
Appleton, WI

Unknown said...

I agree...we desperately need a Vitamin D product to be proud of. I currenty have to buy mine somewhere else. I was only taking 1000iu...I will up it to 2000.

Another thought....couldn't our whole PatLive system be done through our "state of the art" technology and web portals? It seems we have surpased PatLive with our technology and we should be able to incorporate it into our unfranchise management system.

It will be so nice to feel sun on our bones when we get to Miami...Minneapolis is a bit chilly!

Go Patriots!


Anonymous said...

I expect some hobnobbing when you own a financially successful company; not to mention creating an alignment with other successful business owners. But I have to tell you that the constant talk about celebrities turns a lot of people off, obviously including me. Site examples about the success of the company; boast a bit about how it's helped so many people and folks will be certainly be inspired.

My point is: Shouldn't success with Market America be something to strive for because it will provide financial stability and yes, make your dreams come true? But are all of you really dreaming about hanging out with celebrities?

Blogging is great. Bragging is not.

No disrespect intended JR, but could you please tone it down a little? Pretty please?

JR said...

I enjoy sharing my experiences in the hope that they may inspire others to reach their goals. And we are VERY proud of all the success Market America has provided to millions of people around the world...just check out http://thepowerprofiles.com/

Anonymous said...

JR, this company is amazing. I LOVE that you brag and boast about everything this company has accomplished. Some people just think small. Where has a giant chunk of Donald Trumps money come from? Endorsements! This guy endorses everything! I think you are doing the same thing for Market America and everyone who is envolved and "gets it" should respect that. People need to know what we do and who we are! I'll see on stage in the near future JR.

Bend, OR.

Anonymous said...

JR, I think its great to see you living the dream we are all striving to achieve! I for one enjoyed hearing about your trip to NY and I look forward to many more sharing of examples of how you continue to grow our potential, but balance in some fun. You and Loren are the best. Keep on living your dreams and keep on sharing your voyage with us.
Ed B in NJ

Chris Black said...

JR, thanks for creating this business and for everything you continue to do to empower us to achieve our goals and dreams.

Please don't tone anything down. You live an exciting lifestyle because of your own efforts, and talking about your experiences is inspiring - not bragging. We know that you and Loren are genuine, giving people, so what's wrong with talking about genuine friends who happen to be famous?

I find it exciting to know that celebrities - people with high visibility and influence - are finding out about MA, and even partnering with us. Your stories also become conversation starters for us to talk to people who may connect with them. I recently told a co-worker about our new partnership with Kimora Lee Simmons, and she has many friends who are fans and would likely buy her products. They may even want to join in that partnership by becoming MA distributors themselves.

Thanks again, and keep the posts coming. I personally love the direct communication between the company and the field. Just another example of how different we are from the corporate world.

God bless you, Loren and MA!

Chris Black

Anonymous said...

The person who wrote the blog that he didn't think it appropriate for JR to brag about his life obviously isn't a business parter, or is a new partner, or just doesn't know JR. JR is a humble and giving person. He put his life for us to see in this blog to keep us connected to him and he to us. Boasting is not part of JR's character and I hope he continues to inform us as he goes on his trips. Let's try to keep this positive and remember that both JR and Loren have our best interest's at heart!

peggi said...

Kudos to that, Loren and JR are all about what's good for us and good for MA, and I don't think there's a selfish bone between the two of them. They have a tremendously giving nature, and are constantly working towards the common good of all of us. Those who are not partnered with us don't have a clue that people like this exist, and that we have some of the very best in the world right here with us!!

Anonymous said...

JR Keep on doing what you are doing. I use all the celebrities, companies, and whatever else you put out to us, to inform people what our company is doing. We have power in endorsements, we have credibility in companies partnering with us, we have what we need to build this buisness, because you and Loren give it to us. What we don't have and don't need is excuses why it won't work, why we shouldn't boast, brag or let potential business partners know what we have. WE HAVE IT ALL, NO ONE, NOT ONE SOLITARY PERSON BUISNESS OR ORGANIZATION HAS WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN US. OMG I brag to everyone. Google with us, is huge. Keep on keeping on and do what you do best. Build relationships that benefit all of us. So then we can create relationships and build our businesses and benefit all. Miami was georgeous today. Can't wait till Thursday.
Catherine Lajoie-Houle ricath@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

This is for all attending Leadership. Have a Great Time. Sorr we can not join you this time. We are hoping to come down to the next event in Greensboro.

Paul and Bev Z

Unknown said...

Hey JR! You and the corporate team just keep blowing us all away. What this company is accomplishing is amazing. It reminds me of the cartoon Pinky and the brain. Because they tried to take over the world one day at a time. And we are taking over the world one customer at a time. Love you guys! Thanks for teaching me how to be a part time brain surgeon. See you at the top.


Brian Nott said...

Just 5 minutes to pick your brain about the Fast Track. That's all I ask J.R., five minutes. LOL

Anonymous said...

JR and Loren thank you for reminding me and everyone else that we CAN and SHOULD dream again because you two are proof that we will attain them with the right attitude and persistence. I just joined the MA family in January and I feel it's the best choice I've ever made! Just yesterday one of the security ladies approached me at leadership and asked if this is "for real". I answered "YES, JR believes in all of us. Do you believe in YOURSELF? If you do, you can acheive whatever goals you desire with the Market America family." I have an appt with her tonight after leadership to show her the plan:)
Debbie Pettibone, Syracuse NY

Anonymous said...

Dear Loren,

I am full of excitement after all the great stuff from Leadership school!

I'm a native born Puerto Rican and Salsa Mambo Instructor, please add the partner stores: CAPEZIO...then yry Victoria Secret (every gir;'s dream store,) Nine West, and Cindy Crawford's Home Goods store.

Ricky Martin as your next PR musical artist would be a nice .

Thanks. Luv,
from NJ

Unknown said...

JR and Loren,
Thank you for the best Leadership School event yet. The theme of "Let the ride begin..." is the perfect match to the future of MA and we are truly blessed to be on the train with you. You and the Corporate Team continue to blow us away at every event with new and exciting additions to your dream, MA, and our business. On Saturday at lunch time while looking at the stage and talking to Jim our upline, it hit us. Our corporate logo is "Market America" "Built on Product, Powered by People." At first look it was not clear with the addition of Google to our business, but it soon came to us. "Market America" "Built on Product, Powered by People, and Propelled by Google." We are not saying to change our logo, but to only add it to our existing logo on the MA Portals to get more bang for the buck. It just feels right and will present our business partners and customers with a cliche to move MA to the next level and beyond.
Thank you for sharing your dream and giving us something to dream for too.
Steve & Arlene - VA

Unknown said...

Miami - Leadership training of the century! You did it all - JR, Loren and the Corporate Team. I can't hardly sit still today. Everyone I talk to - my future comes out of my mouth. What fantastic training, break outs and excellent teachers! I'm going to scream with excitement! I work for a large corporation - I have never seen/had the quality and quantity of excellence as I have with Market America and their Leadership!!! You are amazing and I'm glad I'm part of the team! To our future and everyone's success!

SER/Elk River MN

Anonymous said...

I'm with "02/04/2008 Anonymous 11:35am", I agree, all the celeb stuff is over the top. It doesn't inspire me at all. Not all of us own a company that will allow us to hang out with the celebs. I'm more interested in real people with real stories of how MA changed their lives.

Glastonbury, CT

Anonymous said...

I agree, check the reputation of these celebrities before talking about them. Just because they are selling, and are in the tabloid, does not mean they are sucessfull as a person.

If to be a celebrity is a sing of sucess, then present also Logan, Britney and Simpsom.

Let keep MA a respectful company, we have to much trash on TV already.

Anonymous said...


I am so excited about the Google partnership and the amazing, changes that will be coming. I love that our portal and products are upgrading to attract a more sophisticated client.
I have one concern. I'm not sure the marketing dept. thought through the name "Chatterbox".
1. This is the title of a movie that involves a talkative 'box' (common slang for female genetalia).
2. This also refers to terrorist activity.
3. At the very least the name (without the above connotations) would be attractive to a pre-teen or teenage audiance, not to the age/demographic I thought we were targeting.
Changing the name before it takes off would be easiest, I assume, and would be in our best interest.

Thanks again for all the hard work and awesome upcoming changes.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% about a lot of the celebrity stuff. Sometimes, it feels like JR and Loren just want to feel famous, themselves. Or to impress us with all of their "dear friends."

If someone is coming to endorse a product line -- like Ms. Simmons -- that is different.

I also agree with what someone up there said about "Chatterbox." It's funny, I actually posted something about that to Loren's blog.

I'm a member of four or five online communities, and I use them every single day. I'd like to invite my friends to my MA community, but find the name "Chatterbox" embarrassing.

I am so blown away by all you guys do to make the company sexier -- from redesigning the portal to aggressively creating better partnerships -- that these few things are the last pieces to making us seem REALLY hip and SMART.

I know Market America was designed for the "average person," but I think we are transitioning into something for way ABOVE average people. People who are smart, attractive and stylish. I just want to be sure we're consistent in honoring that new market!

Unknown said...

How do we creat our own Blog from this site? Anyone knows?

Paul Z said...

Cindy: You can't.
This is a public blog, not a public forum - Everyone can view and comment, but only a few people can start postings. We have a few selected people in corporate that have "blog author's rights" to be able to post, and two tech people with "admin rights" to be able to change settings such as layout. I currently help moderate the blog, help answer any internal and external questions about the blog, approve comments to weed out profanity, etc. If there're any topics you'd like me to post about, or if there's anything you'd like to post and would like me to post it up for you, you're welcome to contact me at paulz at marketamerica.com.


Unknown said...

You HAVE to add QVC to our partner stores. I personally know so many people who shop with QVC and would love to see it on our portal!
-Heather, New Jersey

Anonymous said...

JR, Loren and the Corperate team you are amazing on what you do. Many do not know the hard work that each Leadership or Convention holds. You and your team give your all.
Celebrity endorsements .... people pick and choose whom you share with your customers and prospects. We have something for everyone. We all have a choice. “Dare to do what most people only dream of”.
From MI

Anonymous said...

JR, Loren and the corporate team, thank you for working hard and smart to make all this happen, Market America meaning dreams will come true!!!! This is the very first time I attended Leadership School and with all 3 new partners of mine! All of us were impressed!! Our feelings went through the process of being skeptical, confident and belief!!! It is just great!!! But there is one thing I do hope that you and the corporate team will look into. Being a distributor in Canada, we have more difficulty in doing the biz than distributors in US, things like limited products availability. Even the exciting thing - product demo in our portal, is still not a reality for us here in Canada. Can you do something about this please? It will make our life so much easier.

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy about our new google partnership and feel our internet growth will attract younger business partners and customers. I think the 2L, DVD, CD, webinars, flip charts etc need to reflect more on the internet expansion income opportunity of the company. I agree that the celebrity stuff concerns me as I don't want to be associated with many stars and their behaviors and the glitz of JR/Loren home, lifestyle, etc does not protray Market America as the company we truely are. We need more media exposure about the life changing of the average person, their new incomes like the profiles of success, nonprofits/foundations/volunteering we support thanks to our increased incomes and time freedom,bringing familes together, health testimonials and less on glitz, glamour and movie stars. I think the celebs create exposure but we can also be jeaparadizing the honest, sincere, "Christian" like reputation and values we are built on for the average person.
I think many I spoke with commented on the Paulina video as being questionable and not what we'd like to see at a corporate event.I'm thankful knowing my dreams will come true with Market America and we will be a fortune 500 company and #1 online site. Thanks for the vision and dedication of the wonderful corporate team.
Diane M. Oconomowoc WI

Anonymous said...

Thank you, JR, Loren & our wonderful corporate team. Thank you for this blog. Two comments if we may add. We should pick & choose a reputable celebrity to be our partner. Secondly, could we replace Chatterbox with a different name? We could adjust a little to balance. From California

Unknown said...

After reading this blog, I wholeheartedly agree with the person who was approached by a security person at the Leadership Training in Miami inquiring about the business. I've only been in the business one month, but could see already a goldmine of MA partners in the people who work at these events, but do not get to hear the speakers due to their jobs. I spoke to several of the young women working at the elevators in Miami and they were truly interested. I also experienced the most professional, courteous and hardworking people at the Merriott Hotel where we stayed and thought how we are missing out on the opportunities of sharing this business with these people who are right there in front of us. I did get a card from one of the doormen, but being so new in the business was not quite sure how to follow through. You can bet I'll be on my toes at the next seminar. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to help so many people. As a nurse recently injured on the job, I felt my career was over, and then this business came to me and I am overjoyed to know that I can continue to work towards human health. Thanks again. Dianne, Hot Springs, SD

Anonymous said...

Instead of hearing about all the money JR and Loren spend on this and that and all the celebs they spend their time with, I would like to hear about how they give back. How about how they use their time, treasure, and talents to help others. Now that would be much more interesting then what they bought last week or what celeb event they attended!!! Have they lost sight of that?? Please share that with us JR and Loren.

Anonymous said...

Dear 02/25/2008 Anonymous 12:04pm,

Giving or charity is a private thing. Every 6 months JR spills his guts on what he and Loren and the corporate team are doing for us, including you. If you read your Powerline, you may have seen that MA gives to The Make A Wish Foundation. MA also gave to Katrina Relief. I am certian every time JR and Loren are in one of those posh mags the click throughs go up and that is a potential customer for anyone who has meet the minimum to receive leads off the portal. We have high end products, so we must attract high end customers.