
Internet Marketing Tips - Creating Links

Over the past few week's, we've covered a lot of ground in gettting you onto the social networking bandwagon and with building and promoting your site. Over the past few days, we've gotten a number of questions on creating links (shortening links, creating hyperlinks, etc...). There are a number of directions to take this, so we're going to keep this week's tip simple.

If anyone has questions on creating links, shortening links or website linking, please send an email to internetmarketing@marketamerica.com and include “creating hyperlinks” in the subject line.

Your Internet Marketing Manager


ma Cashback Coming Soon!

I’ve always been jealous of personal shoppers, people who literally get paid to shop. The downside is that they aren’t shopping for themselves but for their clients. Now you can make personal shoppers jealous of you with ma Cashback. ma Cashback is the revolutionary new shopping program from Market America that saves you money and pays you to shop! Get paid for purchasing online the things you want and need, and have them delivered right to your door.

Earn 2% cash back on all your qualified purchases. Invite a friend to join as a Preferred Customer and earn an additional .5% cash back on all of their qualified purchases. With hundreds of products for every aspect of your life, Market America really is the best place to shop! Click here to learn more about ma Cashback. Stay tuned for all the exciting details!

Happy Cat Day!

Today is National Cat Day and the day to celebrate cats everywhere! The day was founded to facilitate the adoption of 10,000 cats nationwide. It is estimated that nearly 4 million cats enter shelters every year, and nearly half are euthanized. Support National Cat Day by donating or going out to your local shelter and adopting a cat or kitten in need of a home. Owning cats has been shown to reduce stress and blood pressure and the companionship of a pet has also been shown to increase life expectancy.

Already a cat owner? Then don’t feel left out. Celebrate National Cat Day by showing your furry friend that you care. Spoil them with favorite treats, a new bed, or a scratching post. Don’t underestimate how much they appreciate a few minutes of scratching behind their ears either! Most importantly, make sure that your cat has many more National Cat Days ahead of them by taking care of their health. PetHealth™ has a complete line of products like PetHealth Multivitamin Formula for Cats, OPC Formula with Glucosamine, Pad & Paw Balm, and Ear Wash to ensure your cat gets all the care and pampering they demand.


October is Fire Prevention Month

Most people don’t know but October is Fire Prevention Month, and with so many candles and lanterns around you can never be too careful. If you’re going to use open flame candles or jack-o-lanterns make sure they are away from flammable material and never leave them burning unattended. Make sure your house is equipped smoke detectors. Check to see if the smoke detectors are working by performing the recommended monthly test and replacing old batteries with new ones once a year. Always have a fire extinguisher accessible at your home. As a rule of thumb, if you live in a two story house you may want to keep a fire extinguisher upstairs and another downstairs.

Make sure that you have an escape plan for your family in the event of a fire. Keep important documents, like insurance policies and a complete room by room home inventory, somewhere secure like a fire proof safe or use an electronic personal record service like ma Vault. This allows you to access critical information from any computer in the event of an emergency.

To help educate your children about the importance of fire safety, visit the U.S. Fire Administration.

Have a Safe Halloween

Halloween is here, and many of us have been busy finding costumes for our children, ourselves, and if you are like me, our pets. But as we send our children outside to trick or treat, costumes and candy aren’t the only things on our minds. Safety is a major concern for parents everywhere, however there are a few precautions you can take to ensure a worry-free Halloween.

Trick or treat safety:
  • An adult should always accompany children under 12 years of age.
  • Do not go inside anyone’s house.
  • Do not go into a stranger’s automobile.
  • Do not take shortcuts through backyards, alleys, or parks.
  • Walk don’t run. When crossing the street look both ways. Do not cross in between cars.
  • Trick-or-treat on well-lit streets within your neighborhood and carry flashlights to increase visibility.
  • Children unaccompanied of an adult should always travel in a group.
  • Use the buddy system, and make sure you have at least one buddy with you the entire evening.
  • Parents should plan a route for your child to use while trick-or-treating and set an early return time for your child.
  • When you return home, have an adult examine and discard all candies that are not factory sealed or wrapped by the candy manufacturer. Never eat homemade or unwrapped treats.
CDC Halloween Health and Safety Tips
FDA Food Safety Tips


Get Acquainted—the New Windows 7

October 22, 2009 was a big day for Microsoft—it officially introduced Windows 7 to the world. Unlike Vista, Windows 7 has received positive recognition from early adopters so far. The new OS is overall faster by dumping a bunch of unnecessary bundled applications. Also, Windows 7 gives the control back the user and promises a quicker access to files and programs with a simple click.

Best Features

1. New Live Taskbar
The new taskbar icons are easier to organize. You can mouse over to preview thumbnails of files and programs in full screen and click the one you want to work with.

2. Pin
If you have a program you use all the time or a file you want quick access to, you can pin it to the taskbar. It will stay there so you can get to it next time.

3. Snap
No more resizing and moving around windows when you want them open side by side. Just grab and drag the two windows and they’ll automatically snap in place, side by side.

4. Play to
If you want to watch a movie from your laptop on your TV or listen to your music library on your entertainment system just right click the file you want, select “Play to” and then choose the capable device on your home network.

5. Touch Window
Windows 7 support multi-touch input. With the touch-sensitive screen you can browse files, eBooks, or flip through photo albums. With touch applications being foreseen as the future of computing, Windows 7 seems to be getting a head start.

The smartest way to get Windows 7

If you are ready to explore Windows 7, you can get the new OS on the next PC you buy. Dell, HP, Sony, and Lenovo are running limited time offers and free shipping on their desktops and laptops with Windows 7. You may also choose to install or upgrade to Windows 7 on your current system. Before doing so, we suggest you read “Windows 7 Upgrade Consideration” and prepare your PC carefully. Login Market America’s Hot Deals Blog to find everyday low prices on Windows 7.

New information on kids and vitamin D!

New research indicates that at least one in five children ages 1 to 11 are not getting enough vitamin D. Even more shocking, nearly 90% of African American children and 80% of Hispanic children may be deficient in this important vitamin.

Vitamin D has been shown to play an important role in bone health, heart health, immune health and much more! It can be obtained in a number of ways including dietary intake of foods such as milk and fatty fish, exposure to sunlight and dietary supplementation.

To read more about this new information on vitamin D and children, click here.


Omega-3 for Healthy Men

A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition explored the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on heart health in healthy subjects. Over 57,000 subjects were enrolled in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health cohort study. During the follow-up of almost 8 years, over 1,000 of those subjects had developed acute coronary syndrome. The report concluded men with increased intakes of EPA and DHA had a decreased associated risk of acute coronary syndrome than compared to those with less EPA and DHA in their diet.

PubMed Abstract

Internet Marketing Tips - Social Networking and Sending Email

By now, you’ve hopefully already joined the social networking revolution. In the midst of adding friends and neighbors, you’ve probably been all giddy over the networking opportunities you’ve now been presented with. Who wouldn’t get excited – considering that some 340 million + global users are currently using social networks!

Not to burst your social networking bubble, but this week’s tip is a very important one. It deals with email marketing and communicating with this plethora of prospects you have at your disposal.

While social networks encourage you to meet and communicate with other people with similar likes and dislikes, sites like Facebook, MySpace and ma Chatterbox are in fact just that – a means to communicate with other people on a personal level. Anyone wishing to market their business is asked to do so in specific places, or risk accusations of abuse and spamming.

Facebook, for example, has an alternate means for people wanting to promote a business. While you would setup a profile to connect with your friends, anyone wanting to promote a business to others needs to do so by creating a separate Facebook fan page. Not only is a fan page a great way for you to highlight your business and keep it separate from your personal account, but it allows you to contact people that have opted to become a fan of your business. This helps keep Facebook happy, not to mention your friends and acquaintances!

So how do you setup a Fan page for your business? Simple!

Visit the following link to get started, it literally takes 5 minutes:

What’s great about a fan page is that it acts very similar to a profile page – you can write on the wall, post pictures, videos, etc…, with the exception being that people have to opt-in to receive any sort of email from you regarding a business. Now about those consequences – by not following the above requirements, which are governed under the CAN-SPAM Act, you can be fined a hefty sum (we’re talking at minimum, $250 per email address). And if you want further proof, a Facebook spammer was fined some $873 million (http://snurl.com/socialnetworking_email).

Definitely worth the time to network the right way don’t you think?

If anyone has questions on marketing through social networking, please send an email to
internetmarketing@marketamerica.com and include “email marketing on social networks” in the subject line.

Your Internet Marketing Manager


Conquer Your Music with an UnLabel®

For quite some time, record execs have taken a lot away from the artist. It as never seemed to be 'about the music.'

They require the artist to produce a set number of albums under their contract before they will let them out. And forget about actually wanting to write music that means a lot to you, the artist! Instead, you basically produce records under guidance from the record execs as to the type of sound they want to market. Once you're done, all the hard work that went into producing their record (I mean your record) isn't yours.

Definitely doesn't sound like they are in it 'for the music.' Luckily though, there's a better way!

Conquer the record labels and free your music!


Interesting statistics on aging

The September issue of Functional Ingredients included an intriguing article on healthy aging, quality of life and dietary supplements. It included a number of staggering statistics on aging individuals and I wanted to share some of them with you.

  • 1/3 of people over the age of 65 fall down each year. One in five of those require medical attention and one in 10 break a bone

  • Falls are responsible for the deaths of more than 20,000 people in the US each year

  • Nearly 40% of fatal falls are by people older than 85 years old

  • By age 60, four in 10 men and half of all women report joint pain in one or more joints

  • For the US population as a whole, 50 million have arthritis

  • Peak bone density is reached at age 35. By age 80, women will have half the calcium in their bones that they did at half that age

  • Dementia affects about five percent of people ages 70-80, 24% of people ages 80-90 and more than 40% for people older than 90

  • Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States

While these are sobering statistics, the article goes on to share equally as remarkable research about the supporting role of dietary supplements in aging.

  • Alzheimer's patients with low levels of serum vitamin D score lower on mental state examinations compared to patients with adequate vitamin D

  • Studies indicate that calcium and vitamin D supplementation, in combination, support bone density

  • A 2007 randomized, placebo-controlled clinical intervention study among 325 postmenopausal women receiving 45mcg/day vitamin K2 for three years found that hip-bone strength remained unchanged where the bone strength of those in placebo group decreased significantly

  • Epidemiological studies indicate that higher intakes of vitamins E, K and B12 as well as magnesium, copper, maganese and boron are associated wtih higher bone density

  • Fish oil (DHA in particular) continues to gain support as protective against dementia

The take away message here is that we can all make a decision to age as well as possible. Our diet, lifestyle and supplementation choices can have a huge impact on our health and well-being as we age.


Leafy Gutters and Lawns - Be Gone!

Summer’s leafy green foliage is changing into beautiful colors, but before long, the colors will fade and the leaves will fall. What’s leftover is a big mess, clogging gutters and covering lawns. Here are some helpful hints to make sure you’re prepared.

Gutter cleaning before the winter is crucial because buildups of sticks, leaves and other debris in your gutters can cause ice blocks, leading to bigger problems during winter. What’s the best way to tackle this leafy problem?

For technology buffs, iRobot has the answer. The Looj is an awesome remotely-controlled gutter cleaning robot that will clean your gutters for you! It fits right inside the gutter and does all the work, cleaning 10 feet of guttering per minute over downspouts and under gutter spikes, saving you tons of time and headache.

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, make sure you’re prepared with all the tools to do the job correctly. Either way, you’ll need to make sure you have a safe and sturdy step ladder or an extension ladder and, after a season of sticks, seeds, limbs, leaves, bugs and other debris, make sure you protect yourself with a pair of work gloves.

Check all of your guttering, screens, and guards to make sure they’re in good shape and ready to channel water off your roof and that your downspouts are clear and effectively moving water away from your house. Winter ice or snow buildup can cause loose gutters to fall, so be sure to check that your guttering is properly secured. If your gutters have pulled away from the boards that they’re nailed to, you’ll need a hammer to take care of any loose gutter spikes. If your gutter spikes are no longer securing your gutters, consider replacing them with gutter screws or long lag screws (sometimes called lag bolts). Lag screws can have a bolt-style head that will fit a socket and a screw tip that will give more security than traditional gutter spikes. Have a screwdriver or socket and ratcheting wrench handy to secure any loose gutter or lag screws. If you have clogged downspouts, you can usually clear obstructions by spraying water through the downspouts.

Gutter Scoops – You can buy gutter scoops that are made to fit your gutters so you don’t have to dig all the dirt out by hand or you can create your own, recyclable gutter scoop. If you’re handy, here’s how you can make a gutter scoop out of a soda bottle. You’ll need an empty soda bottle and a box-cutter or similar cutting tool.

Step 1: Lay the soda bottle on a surface that’s safe to cut on. You’ll probably want to leave the top on the bottle if you have it.

Step 2: Place your knife on the top of the bottle about 4 inches from the bottom.

Step 3: Cut the bottle diagonally, cutting from top to bottom so you have a nice scoop to get the trash out of the gutter.

Step 4: Try your newly-created recyclable gutter scoop and adjust the size of the opening if you feel it needs to be larger.

Leaves Everywhere:
Now, as for the leaves on the lawn, there’s always the traditional rake to keep things clear, but if you want to minimize your yard work, you can speed things up tremendously with an outdoor blower. Blowers are very useful for moving small debris as well as leaves because they can clear lawns, decks, patios, driveways and other surfaces that rakes aren't designed for.

But, if you must rake, rake the most efficient way. I like to rake toward an old sheet that I’ve laid out, because it usually requires the least raking possible. I always use sheets because they’re more pliable than tarps. Tarps can be stiff and I always seemed to spill leaves when I tried to use them. Using a sheet is also a good strategy if you have a fence or obstacle and need to move leaves or debris around it. And remember, it’s easier to rake downhill than uphill.

If you’re raking a lot, regularly switch the side of your body that you're raking on so you don’t get as tired.

Enjoy! Now I’m going to make like a tree. And leave.


Motives® by Loren Ridinger Launches “Go Red” Lipstick to Benefit the American Heart Association

Motives by Loren Ridinger launched its new “Go Red” lipstick Thursday October 15 with 25 percent of all proceeds being donated to the American Heart Association. Ridinger, senior vice president of Market America and Creative Director of Motives, hosted the Red Dress Fashion Show benefiting the American Heart Association during Funkshion Fashion Week Miami Beach at the Setai Hotel where the official announcement was made.

The American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to building healthier lives, free of heart disease and stroke. To help prevent, treat and defeat these diseases — America’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers — the American Heart Association funds cutting-edge research, conducts lifesaving public and professional educational programs, and advocates to protect public health.

Since 2004 The American Heart Association through its Go Red For Women movement has captured the energy, passion and intelligence of women to work collectively to wipe out heart disease. Using the simple platform “Love Your Heart,” Go Red For Women engages women – and the men who love them – to embrace the cause. Top designers from around the world will donate dresses for the Red Dress fashion show with celebrities modeling the dresses on the runway.

For more information on Motives by Loren Ridinger “Go Red” lipstick in support of the American Heart Association, go to motivescosmetics.com. To learn more about the American Heart Association visit www.americanheart.org or for more information on the Go Red For Women Movement visit www.GoRedForWomen.org.


Support Rally for Kids and Win a Trip to Miami!

Want to win a trip to Miami to hang out with Loren Ridinger, Eva Longoria-Parker and other A-List celebrities while supporting a great cause? Form your teams of 10 or less Market America Customer Managers and whichever team donates the most money for Rally for Kids with Cancer will select two team members to attend a Rally Party at JR and Loren’s home, with airfare and hotel courtesy of Market America. Click here to read the complete list of rules and how to enter.

If you have a question about this contest, please send an email to media@marketamerica.com.

10 Tips on Storing Isotonix Products

We have recently had a number of inquiries about storing your Isotonix products. Here are a few helpful suggestions.
  1. Keep Isotonix stored in a dry, cool place.
  2. Keep Isotonix away from a bathroom and out of a child's reach
  3. If Isotonix are stored in the kitchen, keep them away from the stove, sink, heat-generating appliances or window ledges.
  4. If you live in a very humid area you may store Isotonix products in the refrigerator – but not in the fruit and vegetables area. (This area has higher humidity.) Always remember that moisture from the air quickly condenses on cold items taken from a refrigerator. Isotonix powders will absorb this moisture, creating caking. In order to avoid this caking, please put Isotonix products back into the refrigerator immediately after use. Alternatively, a dryer cabinet is an ideal place to store Isotonix products.
  5. When using Isotonix, always clean and dry the screw cap’s threads thoroughly before replacing it on the bottle.
  6. If this is not done, the small amount of moisture left on the cap will quickly be absorbed by the sugars in Isotonix, causing caking.
  7. Keep the cap screwed on tightly at all times and try to avoid leaving the cap off for more than a few minutes at a time.
  8. Hardening of the powder – referred to as “caking” – happens when a powder is exposed to large temperature differences over a short period of time. For example, storing Isotonix in a car trunk on a hot day followed by moving the product into an air conditioned house is setting the perfect stage for caking to occur.
  9. If you experience hardening of the powder, shake the bottle's contents a few times during the cool down period. This will help to prevent the powder from hardening into a solid mass.
  10. Some people find it convenient to use a measuring spoon or clear measure cup instead of the bottle cap. Spoons and cups can be purchased at any kitchen supply store or pharmacy. If selecting a small measuring cup, measure out capfuls into the cup and mark the level(s) with a marker.
Remember, caking does not affect the product’s potency. However, it does make the product difficult to use. You can avoid caking by adopting the above methods to store and use your Isotonix products. If you're in the need for more Isotonix products, visit Market America

Did we leave some tips off that you find useful? Leave a comment below.

Another Voitel® Testimonial

Hello Market America & Voitel® listeners...good afternoon...
I received another Voitel testimonial this morning. And although I get many types of testimonies to Voitel, I am only able to publish a few from time to time. This particular endorsement caught my eye and I could not resist sharing.

"This is a message to the management team, and the supervisors of Voitel regarding Customer Service Rep. Juanita. I had the pleasure of being helped by her last week, I am with the company Market America, and I was making the transition between my current carrier, to Voitel, She was a wondrfull representation of exactly what I had hoped for with Voitel, A New Company that cares, she answered all of my questions and was truly a great educator of your business. I wish to let you know i work as a supervisor with Ebay, and our CSR's are equally trained, as the greatest in the field,I would be proud to have her aboard our crew, as she represented all of what we look for in our team, I believe not enough recognition, can ever go out enough, for great playres on a team, so I just wanted you to know I will be a lifetime customer because of the company, and because of Juanita. I have learned, companys don't make people great, people make company's great, and she made your company great. Thanxxx Juanita for a great introduction and transition to voitel... If I was your boss, I would value your work, Your are worthy...... I let Juanita know how much she mattered, on the phone, but I wanted to drop this note also."

Let the 'Buzz' begin.

Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel

Top 10 Scariest Movies of the Decade

The horror genre has had a revival in the last decade. The latest horror movie to hit the theaters Paranormal Activity has been generating a lot of buzz. With Halloween approaching we wanted to compile a list of the scariest movies of the decade for anyone thinking about screening a horror marathon before the 31st.

  1. The Ring – (2002) A journalist, who loses her niece to a mysterious incident, investigate and then discovers a cursed video tape, which gives the view 7 days to live.

  2. Red Dragon – (2002) The predecessor to the Hannibal Lector series. Hannibal Lector aids in the investigation of the serial killer known as “The Tooth Fairy”.

  3. 28 Days Later – (2002) Four weeks after an unexplained, terminal virus spreads throughout the UK, a handful of survivors try to find refuge.

  4. Land of the Dead – (2005) The living dead have taken over the world, and the last humans live in a walled city to protect themselves as they come to terms with the situation.

  5. The Others – (2001) A woman who lives in a dark old house with her two photosensitive children becomes convinced that her family home is haunted.

  6. Saw – (2004) two men wake up, with a dead body lying between them, in the secure lair of a serial killer who's been nicknamed "Jigsaw" by the police because of his strange calling card.

  7. The Descent – (2005) A caving expedition goes horribly wrong, as the explorers become trapped and eventually pursued by a bizarre breed of predators.

  8. Hannibal – (2001) Hannibal returns to America and attempts to make contact with disgraced Agent Starling and survive a vengeful victim's plan.

  9. Slither – (2006) A small town is taken over by an alien plague, turning residents into zombies and all forms of mutant monsters.

  10. Constantine – (2005) Based on the DC/Vertigo comic book Hellblazer, Constantine tells the story of irreverent supernatural detective John Constantine, who has literally been to hell and back.
So what's your list of Scariest Movies from this past decade?


Internet Marketing Tips - Choosing A Profile Image or Avatar

Last week, we showed you how you could jump on the social networking bandwagon and sign-up effortlessly. We even shared a list of people you should follow or become a fan of. Now that you’ve got that brand-new account, this week’s tip is to teach you about adding a profile image or avatar to make yourself stand-out across the various sites.

While we are all probably guilty at one time or another of using an image from the Internet that we found that we liked a lot, we need to remember that we often cannot use these images for our profile photo. This includes images of famous people, brands, company logos, etc…

The reason why you cannot use such images is one, they aren’t your images. Second, you are misrepresenting yourself and the person, brand, company, etc…by using someone else’s picture as your own.

So you’re probably wondering what to do in this situation. Here are a few tips to help get your creative juices flowing!
  • If you’re an artist, create your own profile image that is representative of you using photo editing software!
  • Whip out your camera and have someone take a picture of you.
  • Use an existing photo that you already took – feel free to change out your picture each week depending on what you have going on.
  • Ask for permission to use an image (you’ll probably be told no, but at least you tried).
If there's a topic you would like for me to address or if you have questions on using profile images or avatars, send an email to internetmarketing@marketamerica.com and include “profile image” in the subject line.

Your Internet Marketing Manager


Voitel® Wireless

Hi Market America & Voitel® Followers...Good Morning...I hope you are all doing well...
Did I mention we have 'Unlimited' plans on our wireless service now? We heard from so many of you that we needed to offer 'Unlimited' packages so we could stay competitive with all those other providers so without further adieu---'Unlimited'. We will always have an advantage though in that we pay you to use a service you already use. Earn on-going income by switching to Voitel Wireless today!

And please don't forget about Voitel Calling Cards. Voitel Calling Cards offer a great way to keep track of your minutes when you travel abroad.

My email address is Voitel Q & A at Market America.com and the lines are 'open'. Please drop me a line and tell me about your Voitel experience.

Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To show our support we’re going Pink, and we encourage you to do the same.

The pink ribbon is the international symbol of breast cancer awareness and is used to express solidarity on the part of the wearer for the hundreds of thousands of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every year.

The facts:
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women after skin cancer. The chance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time in a woman's life is a little less than 1 in 8 (12%).
  • In 2009, an estimated 254,650 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed among women.
  • In 2009, approximately 40,170 women are expected to die from breast cancer. Only lung cancer accounts for more cancer deaths in women. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman's death is about 1 in 35 (about 3%).
  • At this time there are over 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the United States.
Early detection is key in fighting breast cancer. We want to increase awareness to the next level, so in addition to sporting the pink ribbon we’re asking everyone to go pink for a day.

There are many products out there that donate part of their proceeds to breast cancer research, but even something as little as your pink lipstick and nail polish can help increase awareness. Join the fight and go pink for a day whether it is an article of clothing, accessories or even makeup.

Leave us a comment and let us know how you’re supporting breast cancer awareness!

Find out more at:
American Cancer Society
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Pink Ribbon International


Internet Marketing Tips - Social Networking Sites

By now, everyone in your family has probably joined the social networking revolution. If you haven’t yet jumped on the bandwagon, here are three sites you should join now to start connecting with your friends, family and favorite businesses! Be sure you don’t get left behind!

Social Networks you should join:

The largest social network with over 300 million users. Connect with your friends, become a fan of a celebrity or become a fan of a business you like.

A convenient way of sending short messages (140 characters or less) about what you’re doing. Connect with celebrities, friends, family members and businesses.

ma Chatterbox:
Market America’s social network. Collaborate with Customer Managers and Customers.

To help get you started, here are a few people you should definitely add once you’ve joined.

Market America Fan page
Loren Ridinger Fan page
JR Ridinger Fan page
ma MyWord Fan page
PetHealth Fan page
MyFashionCents.com Facebook Group
Motives Facebook Group

Market America
Loren Ridinger
JR Ridinger
ma MyWorld

ma Chatterbox:
JR Ridinger
Loren Ridinger
ma MyWorld
Voitel Communications

Once you’ve signed up for these sites, be sure to add a profile image to your own profile so that you establish an online identity. Please note that although you have been granted a limited license to use Market America products images, you cannot use these images for your profile or avatar image on social networking sites. For further details, be sure to review the Internet Policy about what you can and cannot use.

If anyone has questions on this on social networking, send an email to
internetmarketing@marketamerica.com and include “Social Networking” in the subject line.

Your Internet Marketing Manager

Holiday Travel Simplified

We all know holiday season is just around the corner. Whether you’re looking forward to turkey, football, family and friends, Santa, or just a White Christmas we all have one thing in common: Everyone wants to get the best holiday deals. Travel at Market America has just gotten a lot easier. We provide you with the best tips and advice so you can enjoy your holiday travels. Travel made easy at Market America.

For the best holiday deals, traveling on Monday instead of Sunday can save up to 10%. Start looking early for holiday deals, and travel lightly.

The Best Days to Travel:

Thanksgiving Departure:

Thanksgiving Morning (Nov. 26), and the Saturday/Monday/Tuesday before (Nov. 21, 23, 24)

AVOID: Wednesday, Nov. 25 as tickets can cost 4 times more than on other dates.

Thanksgiving Return:

Thanksgiving Evening (Nov. 26), and the Saturday/Monday after Thanksgiving (Nov. 28, 30)

AVOID: Sunday, Nov. 29 as tickets can cost 4 times more than on other dates.

Christmas Departure:

Christmas Day (Friday, Dec. 25)

Monday/Tuesday before Christmas

AVOID: Sunday/Wednesday before Christmas (Dec. 20, 23)

Christmas Return:

Christmas Day (Dec. 25)

New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day (Dec. 31, Jan. 1)

Monday/Tuesday after New Year’s (Jan. 4, 5)

AVOID: the Sunday after New Year’s (Jan. 3)


Prime™ AGE Defense Formula is now available!

It is possible to age well and be vibrant! Make the decision to put health back in your years with Prime AGE Defense Formula. This new product has a myriad of health and anti-aging benefits including*:
  • Helps to promote healthy aging
  • Inhibits premature aging of the skin
  • Supports healthy collagen and elastin
  • Supports a healthy endocrine system
  • Supports the body's normal ability to remove advanced glycation end products
  • Promotes healthy, elastic arteries
  • Helps maintain normal cell function

Click here to learn more about Prime AGE Defense Formula and to get yours today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.