
10 Tips on Storing Isotonix Products

We have recently had a number of inquiries about storing your Isotonix products. Here are a few helpful suggestions.
  1. Keep Isotonix stored in a dry, cool place.
  2. Keep Isotonix away from a bathroom and out of a child's reach
  3. If Isotonix are stored in the kitchen, keep them away from the stove, sink, heat-generating appliances or window ledges.
  4. If you live in a very humid area you may store Isotonix products in the refrigerator – but not in the fruit and vegetables area. (This area has higher humidity.) Always remember that moisture from the air quickly condenses on cold items taken from a refrigerator. Isotonix powders will absorb this moisture, creating caking. In order to avoid this caking, please put Isotonix products back into the refrigerator immediately after use. Alternatively, a dryer cabinet is an ideal place to store Isotonix products.
  5. When using Isotonix, always clean and dry the screw cap’s threads thoroughly before replacing it on the bottle.
  6. If this is not done, the small amount of moisture left on the cap will quickly be absorbed by the sugars in Isotonix, causing caking.
  7. Keep the cap screwed on tightly at all times and try to avoid leaving the cap off for more than a few minutes at a time.
  8. Hardening of the powder – referred to as “caking” – happens when a powder is exposed to large temperature differences over a short period of time. For example, storing Isotonix in a car trunk on a hot day followed by moving the product into an air conditioned house is setting the perfect stage for caking to occur.
  9. If you experience hardening of the powder, shake the bottle's contents a few times during the cool down period. This will help to prevent the powder from hardening into a solid mass.
  10. Some people find it convenient to use a measuring spoon or clear measure cup instead of the bottle cap. Spoons and cups can be purchased at any kitchen supply store or pharmacy. If selecting a small measuring cup, measure out capfuls into the cup and mark the level(s) with a marker.
Remember, caking does not affect the product’s potency. However, it does make the product difficult to use. You can avoid caking by adopting the above methods to store and use your Isotonix products. If you're in the need for more Isotonix products, visit Market America

Did we leave some tips off that you find useful? Leave a comment below.


Jessie's World said...

Thanks for posting this. It's very informative and I think an additional measuring tool is a good idea and important so the product doesn't cake.

StraitDesigns said...

Knew about these tips for a while now after losing a few bottles to caking! Thanks for making them available to everyone!


If your product does become hardened I found that a chop stick works great for breaking it back into a powder. I also use a teaspoon for measurement, just pour a capful into the teaspoon and see how much it is then just use the spoon. I've also found if you take a nut poker and poke a small hole into the foil top on the bottle this allows an easier pour without spilling the product.

Rob said...

Instead of a nut poker, I slit the foil with a fork tong. Pours out nicely with that and helps protect the powder from moisture.

jobnow said...

I save my used white caps and after washing them have them on hand to put on after measuring during humid weather. That way the fresh cap doesn't get caked around the inside.

DIANN said...

Always place a dry "over cup" on bottle...no more stickiness

SJE said...

Thanks for the tips. I also keep extra caps on hand to replace those that get sticky. I like to tap the cap a couple of times with the bottle to empty out all the powder.

Unknown said...

I have worked out a system that may be helpful to others: Once a bottle of Isotonix product is consumed, save the cap. Use this cap to measure all and raise it thoroughly afterwards. Turn it upside down to let it dry. After several hours, you have a clean and dry cap to measure while all those bottles remain neat and no powery mess.

-Ed- said...

Thanks for all of the great tips. We use a small medicine measuring cup that is already marked with units. Works great.

360wellness said...

Thanks so much for posting this. I use this for all my customers that order the isotonix products as a helpful hint

Nick Searcy said...

Thanks for the Info...This has been very useful in emailing to customers and u.F.O.'s to ensure that everyone knows how to store and use their Isotonix!

Thanks Again

Kevin Provost said...

We find it easier when removing the safety seal not to remove the entire seal but to take a small knife and make a V in the seal.This helps to avoid over pouring.
We keep our Isotonix in a cabnet in the kitchen. We have had no problem with caking.

Unknown said...

I store in my bedroom which is mostly cooling. But still harden. Expiry date 2021. Not acceptable at all. I usually buy 1-2 bottles extra so I can take the product continuously & it has caused me lost a couple of bottles now. I decided to stop using this product after losing so much money with this product hardening.