The term eco-friendly has achieved buzz word status within the last decade. People are making an effort to recycle and change some behaviors that directly affect the environment. Unfortunately all the effort that’s been put to educate adults is not recreated when it comes to children. And while it’s possible to change behavior in adults it’s a lot easier to teach and mold behavior in children as they grow.
Sammy & Sue Go Green Too! is an eco-friendly, educational and endearing children’s book, primarily aged for kids 5 years and older, to help young readers discover all of the environmentally friendly items in our daily life. The story depicts a mother-daughter team exploring fascinating ways to become more earth-friendly. The book includes a glossary to introduce children to terms like "biodegradable" and "carbon free".
Sammy & Sue Go Green Too! is the first book of the Sammy & Sue series which targets to educate the minds of our youth so they can be better equipped within our environment for the future. The book is also the inspiration for an online virtual world for kids which will be launched in 2010.
If you’re looking for Christmas gifts for the kids, Sammy & Sue Go Green Too! is a great way to teach children about the environment and encourage early reading this holiday.
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