
Voitel® is EXCITED!!!

Hi Market America and Voitel® Listeners...
Has the excitement of our upcoming event in August grabbed you yet? Well it has my attention! You wanna know why? This event is a benchmark in the evolution of Voitel. We are gearing up to share some new developments in our Voitel suite of offerings. So disregard what you've heard in the past, fling those rumors to the wind, snuff out those preconceived notions with the same zest we did at overcoming challenges of the past and embrace our technology!

Your continued support of Voitel and your desire to promote Market America Telecommunications AND your pursuit for reliable and dependable services has provided us the impetus for change. 'Pat' yourself on the back for a job well done. We all hope you approve of the Voitel improvements we will tell you about in August.

Voitel is looking forward to seeing all of you there but don't worry if you can't make it...we will make sure all of Market America knows what we've done to incentivize you to finally switch to Voitel. I see the future---and that future has all of you using Voitel!

Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel


Jim Lange said...

I can't wait. If that subtle hint in your post means what I think it means, I'm very excited!

SLPierce said...

how do we sell Voitel over ACN?

Unknown said...


Can't wait to see what is up and coming with VoiTel.

In response to the question about how to sell VoiTel over ACN....last time I checked nobody gets any MA award points for using ACN or any other VoIP service except VoiTel & VoiTel Wirless from MA!!! The beauty of purchasing products from MA is the unbelievable customer retention program for using MA products and services. Our VoIP service is as good as any other company. Get your customers involved in using MA products and then when they purchase the VoiTel service they get more MA rewards to purcahse the products they are already using.

You can't beat it!!!

Unknown said...

I can not wait to see what is unveiled at Convention.

Voitel Telecommunications said...

Hi SLPierce...good morning...I hope all is well...I apologize for the delay in getting back with you. I am busy getting ready for convention but never too busy to take the time to address good questions from the field. First let me thank William for the fantastic support. That was a great plug and he should be on our payroll. :)
Anyways---about ACN, I LOVE competition! It keeps me on my toes and often times it will make my job here full of exciting tasks.
It goes without saying that I have an allegiance to Voitel and I am always going to encourage you to use our service over anyone else in the Industry. William makes a good point though in that Voitel service is as good as 'all those other guys'. And in a way it is better in that you can talk yourself into earning commission. I don't want to be quoted but I don't know of any other VoIP provider that does this. That is your incentive to sell us over anyone else. So ask yourself if the service is the same across the board, why would you not go with Voitel and earn an ongoing income? It seems like a 'no-brainer' to me but I respect your inquiry and I hope I gave you the drive you need to promote Voitel.
Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel

beautiful said...

Looking forward to hear the new services, especial on laptop internet access.

Willie said...

I have heard of Voitel, but, still do not know what makes it so special over current telephone services.
Rather than go to a show(convention) to see what this product is, can someone explain, in detail what exactly this product is, does and the significant advantage over, say iPhone usage?

Voitel Telecommunications said...

Hi Willie...good morning...
Thanks for your inquiry. We are in the process of scripting, recording and adding some Voitel training materials on Unfranchise now. Please look for some of these selling strategies and what I coin 'Battle Cards' after our convention in August. Of course that does not help you now.
Have you looked at the 'Telecommunications' tab on the ma portal? There are 3 Voitel services and each related link provides an overview of the service. There is also a Power Point presentation on Unfranchise that you can reference now. Also, please take a look at the 'Frequently asked questions' for some added insight. Please reach out to me at Voitel Q & A @ Market America.com if you would like to discuss 'live'.
I must add though---please consider coming to at least one of our events so you can learn more about all of ma. It is quite a show, worthy of attending, and I hear from ma Unfranchise owners that the knowledge and support they gain from these events help to 'skyrocket' the success of their Unfranchise business. Please let me know if you would like to know how to order some tickets and if you need a hotel recommendation. Thanks again for you inquiry.
Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Service for Market America & Voitel

Voitel Telecommunications said...

Hi Beautiful and good morning...
I love all the Voitel enthusiasm from Unfranchise owners! Did you know that we have a broadband data card for laptop Internet access via Voitel Wireless now? Please take a look at the page off the ma portal under the 'Telecommunications' category.
Please let me know too if this is what you had in mind when you reference laptop Internet access. Thanks for your inquiry and let me know if you have any other questions or ideas.
Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel

Unknown said...

Jamie, I use that wireless card and it's great! It was just a couple of weeks ago that my wife, Eve, and I were at a coffee shop going over our MA Legacy Builders information when the wireless in the coffee shop died. I pulled it our handly little wireless card, fired it up and we kept on working! It was great! You literally have broadband everywhere as the Verizon coverage is really good.

Voitel Telecommunications said...

Hey William...good morning...thank you for your support and can I please use your comments as a testimonial for our Voitel Wireless Broadband card?
I am glad you were not 'down and out' in the coffee shop. Voitel to the rescue!!! Thanks again.
Jamie Kennington
Director of Telecom Services for Market America & Voitel

Unknown said...


I use VoiTel VoIP as my main business line; VoiTel Wireless for both my wife and I (cellular phones) and VoiTel Wireless Broadband service when we are traveling. When we pay that bill, comparable to and sometimes even less than our competitors, we also make BV!

I have had the iPhone for over 2 years and have recently switched to the Motorola Razor and really love it! Now if you are an iPhone data fanatic then there is no cellular service that is going to satisfy you except AT&T because you love the iPhone and it is tagged for AT&T.

However, take advantage of the VoiTel VoIP service and use it for your home service and for your ma business and get paid to talk!

No other home phone service or cellular provider is going to do that for you.

One more thing and I support Jamie in her recommendation. Get yourself to a meeting! Whether it be Basic 5 or New Dealer Training or an UnFranchise Business Presentation and share with others. This business is all about people and being around other UF Owners is that get's all of us pumped!!!!

Unknown said...


You can use my comments as a testimonial anytime!

The VoiTel service is excellent!