
Voitel Unlimited Text Messaging

Guess What? Voitel has an unlimited text messaging marketing tool exclusive to Market America distributors. 94% of all text messages are read. How about those statistics? You can promote your products and services to a captive audience. Please visit http://voiteltm.com/ for more details. Happy prospecting.


Anonymous said...

It appears that the Pantone True Color is live on the Market America portals.
Can some say for sure if it is?

I know I am seeing here some fantastic color. Thanks Market America for keeping the dream alive.

Anonymous said...

You can also use the Text program as a marketing tool to generate income for you. Example: you can start a marketing program in your town for discounts from local merchantsd. You promote Get discounts from stores in town, text (your town name) to 62898 (must be from a cell phone). As people send their text they are opting-in to your web based program.
Now afer you collect several hundred or thousands of numbers you go to local stores and offer them the ability to text blast their unadvertised discout or their special. You charge the merchant a fee for this service $25-$100 for the instant notice to all on your list. You only pay $10 a month to keep this exclusive MA service. You can set up the text to send at a future date and time. You can develop a good income producing business.

Now imagine you have a big group of distributors on you team, you can setup a team name and send instant/urgent messages to your team. I am the local coordinator for the Long Island NY area. I use it to blast our reminders for all of our events.
This is my suggestion of other ways to use this valuable tool.

Want to try it Text: nylc to: 62898 You can opt-out anytime
Best of Luck
Tony Genova