Once you've been to a handful of our signature training events like World Conference, you come to realize that they possess a certain rhythm. Past, present & future. Looking back, looking around, looking ahead. As the show commences, we usually spend the first few moments to reflect on the hard work of so many people who've brought the Market America dream to fruition - not just JR, Loren, Marc, Marty, Dennis, Joe and Kevin, but long-standing field leaders like Elizabeth Weber, Ben Ginder & more - and appreciate their belief, conviction & actions.
By the second and third days, we're looking around at what's happening right now - new products set to launch, current opportunities and technologies on which to capitalize, recognizing new and emerging field leaders, etc. - as our Executive Team gives a "state of the union" type of address on the health of the company (growing every single day, something for which I become increasingly grateful as the economy stays in the doldrums).
But the last day is always my favorite; it's the most forward-looking. During JR's closing address, you can quite literally feel the shivers shoot through an electrified audience. If you've ever worked for a visionary CEO, you probably know what I'm talking about - a person who has the ability to utterly shatter the sarcasm, pessimism, cynicism & negativity that pervades our society. It's simply impossible to be in a foul mood around the guy. When one person has vision & energy enough for an arena that's packed 25,000-deep, it's a pretty cool thing.
Stay tuned - the show's about to begin. Keep your head up; it's time to look ahead.
Looking forward to it. This is a great way to spread the word..:"advertise"...Thanks again.
Thank You for the update..........
You are in the trenches and still able to communicate to those of us not able to be there what you are learning. I appreciate you! I know when I am at these events it is all I can do to get the information and bring it home with me.
It sounds like we are going to have another great year of sharing great products with our customers.
Yours In Good Health,
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