
The Power of the Blog

With Convention just days away and all that goes into the preparation of such a monumental event, to say there is an anxiousness in the air here at Corporate is quite an understatement. But while I have these few fleeting moments of downtime, I would like to post some random thoughts. And what better topic than to blog...about blogging!!!

Let me say this right from the giddy-up: I am fairly new to writing blogs but would like to think that I, just like any of you, are fully qualified and capable of providing a rich, fertile environment that sparks discussions and opinions. Isn't that the whole purpose of a blog? Anyway, I would much rather talk with you, than at you.

See, unfortunately most of my experience as a professional writer has been with media outlets that, in the end, deliver a product that is just as engaging as a church bulletin. I don't mean to say that I'm a boring read (at least I hope I'm not), but even with so many different information channels available today, there is hardly any opportunity for comments, feedback or any other kind of interaction between the message originator and his/her audience. Instead, we are being spoon-fed "the facts" covered with cinnamon and spice.

As it stands, only those who work in the media or can back their mouth with their money are the ones whose voices can be heard on a grand scale. This could easily be interpreted as the opinion of the general public being suppressed by one-way media to the point of extinction. Of course people are still going to have a unique reaction to whatever they read, hear or learn about, but we are all being reprogrammed to care quietly.

What ever happened to the good ol' days when if you didn't agree with someone, you could have a screaming match in the square at high noon and the whole town would congregate to hear both sides of the matter? Anyone could speak their mind in front of the crowd. Looks like we have come full circle and those days of open communication are making a serious comeback. Welcome to the world of blogging...

Have you ever tried it? If so, what were you inspired to blog about?