
ma – leading the economy of the future

In an article titled The end of the Wal-Mart era, MSN Money chronicles the paradigm shift from mass marketing to Internet and One-to-One Marketing.
But the Internet is transforming the retail definition of scale. The once-stunning compilation of 142,000 items found in a Wal-Mart supercenter doesn't seem so vast alongside the millions of products available on the Internet.

Click here to read the full article, The end of the Wal-Mart era.


Brian Nott said...

If this does in fact come to pass, J.R. was right all along. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I’m sitting here tonight thinking about the Market America business and I can’t help but feel confused as to why more of the distributors are not shopping from their portals and more importantly not prospecting EVERYONE they come in contact with?
Ask yourself this, did you shop recently at:
- Home Depot
- Macy’s, Bloomingdales, Nordstroms, J Jill, Victoria’s Secret, Sears, Khols etc…
- Best Buy, Circuit City, Sony, Sears, Mac, Dell etc…
- Target, Walmart, Staples etc…
- When did you buy a book at Borders or Barnes and Noble
- When is the last time that you went to a restaurant or movie “restaurants.com and fandango.com”
I think that you can see where I’m going with all of this. Every time you are in need of ANYTHING, do you go to your portal and see if what you’re looking for is there at your finger tips???? Why in the world would anyone give their business to someone else if they do not pay you back for your purchases??? This behooves me to say the least. Do people really know what they have? Folks WE GET PAID TO SHOP!!!!!!! With gas prices at an all time high, and projected to only become higher in the near future, why spend the extra gas, aggravation and added time it takes to go to the mall, especially when people are already so busy??? YOU OWN YOUR OWN MALL!!!! We as MA distributors can take this business to a whole new level when we finally grasp what is right in front of us. Go to your portal and take a look around, you will be blown away with what you have!
As far as the business is concerned, have you heard of all the foreclosures, bankruptcies, layoffs and credit card debt in this country?? People are looking for change; they are looking for something out of the ordinary, they are looking for a financial stability. We have all of the above and all you have to do is open your mouth and speak. Market America is truly creating the economy of the future. All of the signs are being presented to you on a daily basis. Retail is down, yet internet shopping is up! Traditional turn key businesses are closing and Market America is thriving. Stop being fearful of what people may think and just speak; they need you more than you need them, because you have the solutions to their problems. You need to BELIEVE this because it is absolute truth. Why did you get in the business? You need to know that there are hundreds of thousands and even millions of people that need MA just as much as you do, you are not that different. I’m simply stating that you need to know what you have is greater than what you may know, do your diligence and make this business work for you and together one by one we can change the lives of millions. As Gandhi said “be the change you want to see in the world.” Be the change! Good luck and God Bless


Unknown said...

Market America Business is always the best and unique business opportunity!!

Eric Silva

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