
Market America enhances site search capabilities using Google Search

Here's a recent article that appeared on internetretailer.com about the Google Search Appliance that Market America is implementing to enhance search capabilities on marketamerica.com. This is an exciting initiative that will reap huge benefits!



ronhill said...

Awesome!! More great press for MA. I love every second of it. Any update on when we will see the Google GSA officially on the web portals? Also, any additional updates on the release of MA myworld and MA chatterbox? I cannot wait for this technlogy to hit the portals!! Lets keep on rolling with this technology, there is nothing out there like it.

Ron Hill
York, PA

Brian Nott said...

I have to add to Ron's comments. What would be helpful to us in the field is some regular updates on the progress and timeline. We are asked all the time "when is it going to be ready??" Status reports, or any reports would be helpful. So instead of saying "I don't know, but maybe in a few months", we could answer that question "Well, the last status report from MA and Google said....."

Brian Nott said...

great articles online, I'm seeing them every where, however the Portal is still using MSN Search when you type in "search the Web". confusing to customers who use the site and see the articles.

peter caggiano said...

to all that think info is not moving fast enough or that updates are not fast enough,think of james problems as a true pioneer in uncharted waters trying to explain his mall without walls and getting people to see his vision.believe me you need to be a pioneer of the twenty first century,get the job done now,the info will be there.NEXT

Anonymous said...

Any idea when the portal's web search will switch from MSN to Google?

Dustin C Mitchell
Saint Louis, MO

Brian Nott said...

Peter, don't miss understand me. Things are moving fast enough for sure and what MA is doing is truely remarkable. It's just that weekly or bi-weekly updates on the progress would help us in the field to update customers on when and what to expect.